A History of Modern Europe - From the Renaissance to the Present

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

A-92 Index

Soviet Union (continued)

see also Russia, imperial; Russian Revolu­

tions of 1917


absolutism in, 241, 249, 433

agriculture in, 16, 202, 362

in American Revolution, 417

anarchism in, 793, 794, 795

Arabs in, 5

Armada sent against England, 135, 163,

165-66, 166, 194, 201, 206

arts in, 205, 241

Basque separatists in, 1106, 1188, 1233

Catholic Church in, 31, 86, 111, 124,

173, 249, 586, 777, 792, 1048, 1186

Catholic Reformation in, 117, 173, 325

cities of, 766

coup d’etat in (1868), 730

decline of, 198-6, 241

democratization of, 1186

Dutch war of independence from, 111,126,

132, 138, 149, 150, 153-54, 158, 163,

185, 198-201, 199, 200, 204, 206,

207, 208, 233, 243, 309, 433

early economic conditions in, 173—74,


economy of, 173-74

education in, 543, 774

effect of silver from Americas, 171, 201

in eighteenth-century rivalries, 386, 387

as emerging state, 18, 85

English relations with, 210, 407

English wars with, 223, 224, 243

in European organizations, 1226, 1227

Franco-Prussian War and, 668

French Revolution and, 463, 469

in French wars of religion, 130-31, 137

French wars with, 129-31, 137, 144, 157,

158, 175, 204-5, 206, 252, 253,

278-79, 280

Industrial Revolution in, 524, 524, 531

interventions in Italy, 44, 71, 73, 74, 76,

78, 79, 204, 281

inter-war politics in, 1042-45

Jews in, 16, 111, 173

land ownership in, 249, 547

liberal movements in, 582, 586-88, 603-4

literature of, 202-3

Madrid made capital of, 177

manufacturing and trades in, 367

middle classes in, 500, 535, 586

migration from, 1018

military dictatorship in, see Franco, Fran­


military of, 30, 43, 199-200, 248, 577

monarchy of, 25-27, 124, 172-73, 204-5,

206, 586-88

Moriscos and, 178, 202

Napoleonic Wars and, 495, 498, 500, 503,

505, 511

nationalism in, see Spanish Civil War

Nazi Germany pre-war relations with,


Netherlands as territory of, 173, 176, 178,

231, 232

nobles of, 173, 174, 202, 203, 246, 351,

352, 362, 380, 500, 532, 586, 1043

Ottoman wars with, 178

overseas trade of, 73, 167, 169, 170-71,

172, 174, 190, 373, 387

peasants in, 174, 202, 586

popular religion in, 776

population growth in, 20, 364, 516, 758,


post-World War II economic conditions in,

1122, 1122, 1123

post-World War 11 politics in, 1106, 1176,


poverty in, 202

printing in, 33

railroads in, 531

Reformation and, 81, 173

Renaissance in, 83

representative government in, 173, 586,


rise of, 171-78, 111

sale of offices in, 29, 247

Second Industrial Revolution in, 751

in Seven Years’ War, 401, 408

slavery in, 42

in Spanish-American War, 841-42

syndicalism in, 795, 796

taxes in, 173, 174, 175, 178, 189, 201,

202, 204-5, 243, 247

terrorism in, 1234

textile manufacturing in, 202, 531

in Thirty Years’War, 144, 150, 151, 153,

155, 158

trade and commerce in, 22, 46, 73, 235

voting rights in, 503, 646

and War of the Austrian Succession, 395,


and War of the Spanish Succession, 248,

265, 280-81,391,392, 406

in World War II, 1066

Spanish-American War, 841-42

Spanish Civil War, 993, 1003, 1042-48, 1044

Spanish Empire, 173-77, 196-98, 202,

203-6, 240, 338, 388, 391, 401

British colonial rivalries with, 390

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