A History of Modern Europe - From the Renaissance to the Present
Index A-93
disintegration of, 586
expansion of, 175-77
explorations and conquests of, 1, 35-42,
40, 73, 173-77
in nineteenth and twentieth centuries,
821-22, 824, 826, 839,859
Spanish Inquisition, 111, 173, 208, 212,
339, 503
Spartacists (Germany), 958
SPD, see Social Democratic Party, in Germany
Speenhamland system (Great Britain), 383,
Speer, Albert, 1088, 1096
Spencer, Herbert, 843
Spengler, Oswald, 1012-13
Spinoza, Baruch, 158, 301-2
Spirit of Revolt, The (Kropotkin), 794
Spirit of the Laws, The (Montesquieu), 313,
318, 329, 343
sports and games, 218, 779-81
Sputnik, 1155
Srebenica, 1211, 1211
Sri Lanka (Ceylon), 847, 855, 1163
S.S. (Schutzstaffel; Nazi Germany), 1023,
1025, 1030, 1085
Stael, Germaine de, 511
Stakhanov, Andrei, 1038
Stalin, Joseph (Joseph Dzhugashvili), 928, 954,
992, 993, 1003, 1010, 1025, 1035-42,
1045, 1057, 1148, 1149, 1154, 1157
death of, 1152
Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact and, 1057, 1059
post-World War II settlement and, 1111,
111], 1112, 1114, 1115
purges of, 1040-42, 1040, 1110, 1133,
rise of, 952-54
in World War II, 1059, 1066, 1068, 1086,
1088, 1090, 1094-95, 1097,
1098-99, 1098, 1101
Stalingrad, Battle of (1942-1943), 1086,
1091, 1092
Stamboliski, Alexander, 972
Stampa, La (Milan), 1 144
Stamp Act (Great Britain; 1765), 415
Stanley, Henry, 819, 828, 855
“Star Wars” missile defense (Strategic De
fense Initiative), 1195
statecraft, enlightened, 342-43
states, sovereign:
balance of power and, 261-62
Catholic Church’s relationship with, 6-7
developing structures of, 29
in eighteenth century, 386-94
emergence of, 12, 25-28, 26, 85
limits to authority of, 29-31
in medieval period, 18-19
modern state and, 283
science and, 308-10
in Tudor England, 186-87
see also monarchies; nationalism
Stauffenberg, Klaus von, 1085
Stavisky, Serge, 1018
steamboats, 519, 523, 523, 742, 845
steam engine, 369, 369
steel industry, 531, 744, 745, 745, 751, 75/
Steen, Jan, 239
Stein, Baron Heinrich Karl vom und zum,
Stein, Gertrude, 989
Still Life with Herring (Steen), 239
stock market crash (1929), 955
Stockton and Darlington Railway, 521
Stolypin, Peter, 724-25
Stories of Saint John the Evangelist: Vision on
the Island of Patmos (Giotti), 67
storytellers, 17
Strachey, Lytton, 912
Strafford, Thomas Wentworth, earl of, 213,
Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT) I,
Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT) II,
Strategic Defense Initiative (“Star Wars”),
Stravinsky, Igor, 81 1
Stresa front, 1033, 1034
Stresemann, Gustav, 985-86, 1014
strikes, 382, 701-2, 704, 741, 788, 795-96
against communism, 1191-92, 1202
in inter-war period, 951,980, 983,
987-88, 988, 1006, 1017, 1019, 1023
Russian Revolutions and, 721-22, 931,
by students, 1179-80
in World War 1, 899, 911, 918, 921
String Quartet No. 2 (Schonberg), 813
Struensee, Johann, 424
Stuart, Charles Edward (Bonnie Prince
Charlie), 392
Sturm und Drang movement, 582
Styria, 338
Suarez, Adolfo, 1186
Subjection of Women, The (Mill), 539
submarines, 1010, 1088, 1100
in World War 1, 897, 904, 912, 913, 914,
915, 922, 964
see also U-boats
suburbs, 759, 770