A History of Modern Europe - From the Renaissance to the Present

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
A-94 Index

subways, 753

Sudan, 829, 830-32, 83i, 1164

Suez Canal, 728, 728, 738, 749, 827, 845,

877, 974

Suez Canal Crisis (1956), 1164-67, 1/65

Suharto, General, 1163

Sukarno, 1163

Suleiman the Magnificent, Ottoman em­

peror, 178, 178

Sully, Maximilien de Bethune, duke of, 141

Sunday Afternoon on the Island of the

Grande Jatte,A (Seurat), 813, 814

“Surrealist Manifesto” (Breton), 991

Sussex, 915

Swabia, 97, 146, 155

Sweden, 235, 270, 277, 278, 424, 427

absolutism in, 241, 242, 271

American Revolution and, 418

cities of, 549, 766

Dutch alliance with, 240

education in, 775

1848 unrest in, 613

eighteenth-century nationalism in, 345

eighteenth-century reform movements in,


in eighteenth-century rivalries, 387

as emerging state, 18

in European organizations, 1227, 1228,


finances of, 271

Finnish independence from, 969

government administration in, 1126

inter-war politics in, 993

Jews in, 338

Louis XIV’s conflict with, 279

middle classes in, 533

military of, 248

monarchy of, 246

Napoleonic Wars and, 504

nobles of, 246, 247, 271, 277, 351, 380

nuclear power in, 1233

overseas trade of, 418

peasants in, 271, 357, 358

population growth in, 364, 366, 516, 517,


post-World War II economic conditions in,

1122, 1123

Reformation in, 100

Russian conflicts with, 271, 272, 273,

276, 277

as social democracy, 982

in Thirty Years’War, 144, 151, 152-55,

153, 156, 157, 266

voting rights in, 979

and War of the Austrian Succession, 395

welfare state in, 1126, 1184

Switzerland, 19, 158

cities of, 766

and Congress of Vienna, 573

education in, 546, 775

French Revolution and, 474, 476, 477

government of, 28, 103

Industrial Revolution in, 513

inter-war politics in, 993

liberalism in, 598, 600

manufacturing in, 357

mercenaries from, 402

middle classes in, 355

migration to, 1030, 1221

Napoleonic Wars and, 486, 497

nobles of, 350

peasants in, 357, 358

population of, 20, 516, 1124

post-World War II economic conditions in,


Reformation in, 81, 95, 103-11

religious toleration in, 340

representative government in, 600

towns in, 25

and Treaty of Paris, 571

voting rights in, 423, 430, 600

Sykes-Picot Agreement (1916), 919

Syllabus of Errors (Pius IX), 792

symbolism, 810—11

syndicalism, 783, 795-96

syphilis, 40

Syria, 482, 919, 924, 967, 974, 1154, 1167

System of Nature, The (Buffon), 329

Taaffe, Count Eduard, 681

Table of Ranks (Russia; 1722), 274

Tadzik, 951

Taff Vale decision, 702, 703

Tahiti, 839

Taiping Rebellion, 831

Taittinger, Pierre de, 1018

Taiwan (Formosa), 719, 840, 1150

Taliban, 1234

Talleyrand, Charles-Maurice de, 450, 475,

504, 507, 508, 571

Tanganyika (German East Africa), 830, 904,

973, 1171

Tannenberg, Battle of (1914), 930

Tanzania, 1235

tariffs, 745, 747

in British Empire, 749, 854

in Central Europe, 375

in England, 179, 372, 580

in France, 240, 254-55, 371, 444, 527,

529, 581, 729

in Germany, 529, 530, 605

in Great Britain, 526, 702, 729, 749, 997

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