A History of Modern Europe - From the Renaissance to the Present
Index A-95
imperialism and, 846, 854
internal, 371
Tartars, 268, 270, 716
Tartuffe (Moliere), 258
taxes, 12, 29, 54, 86, 189, 342-43, 350,
351, 358-59, 378, 394, 405, 577,
1123, 1126
absolutism and, 242, 247
authority over, 27-28, 30
Taylor, Frederick W., 788
Taylorism, 788
Tea Act (Great Britain; 1773), 415
agricultural, 13, 15, 766-67
in eighteenth century, 368-71
in fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, 4—5,
in imperialism, 845-46
manufacturing, 367
military, 32-33, 37-39, 402-3, 845-46,
890, 892-93, 894-95, 1064, 1096-97
navigational, 307
sailing, 403
Teheran Conference (1943), 1094
Tel el-Kebir, Battle of (1882), 827
telephone, 755, 1 143
telescopes, 297
television, 1143-44
temperance movements, 688, 805—6
Ten Articles (German Confederation; 1832),
Tennis Court Oath (1789), 444, 444
Tennyson, Alfred, 691
Tenochtitlan (Mexico), 37
Teresa of Avila, 117
Terror (French Revolution), 457, 465-70, 468
terrorism, 1106, 1108, 1220, 1233-38, 1235
anarchist, 783, 794—95
fascist, 1022
left-wing, 1233
Test Act (England; 1673), 227, 418
Test and Corporation Acts, repeal of (Great
Britain; 1828), 607
Tetzel, John, 80
textile manufacturing, 5, 22, 46, 53, 73,
167, 174, 557
in eighteenth century, 357, 366, 367—68,
369-70, 371, 373
in England, 179, 188, 189, 189, 196,
367-68, 368, 369-70, 371, 373, 419
in France, 73, 202, 255, 528-29
in German states, 529
in Great Britain, 369-70, 515, 526-27, 553
in India, 419
in Italy, 531
in Netherlands, 73, 202, 240
in nineteenth century, 513, 515, 524,
526-27, 528-29, 531, 553, 560
in Russia, 532, 750
in Spain, 202, 531
technology of, 370
Thailand (Siam), 835
Thatcher, Margaret, 1182, 1226, 1228
of the absurd, 1137
in eighteenth century, 328, 345
English, 193-95
French, 258, 595
Nazi, 1028
Thermidor (1794), 470-71
Thessaly, 711
Thiers, Alphonse, 731, 732, 734
third estate:
in French Revolution, 442-44
see also middle classes; National Assembly
Third of May, 1808, The (Goya), 501
Third Section police (Russia), 705, 710, 715
Third World, 1124, 1139, 1154, 1221, 1232
Thirty-Nine Articles, 184
Thirty Years’War, 126-27, 144, 145-61,
149, 204, 208, 230, 231, 243, 245,
247, 252, 261, 263, 464-65, 491
armies in, 155—56
atrocities in, 155-56, 155, 403
dynastic struggles and, 157-58
origi. s of, 146-48
trade disrupted by, 171
and Treaty of Westphalia, 145,158-61,
159, 262, 266
Thomas a Kempis, 116
Thompson, William, 565
Thoughts on the Cause of the Present Discon
tents (Burke), 409
Three Emperors’ League, 868, 869-70, 869
“three-field system,” 15, 15
Three Pieces in the Form of a Pear (Satie), 813
Thuringia, 97, 97
Tiananmen Square demonstration, 1199
Tibet, 874
Tillett, Ben, 701, 702
Tilly Count Johannes von, 150, 151, 154
Tilsit, Treaty of (1807), 491, 501
Time, 1008
“Time of Troubles,” in Muscovy, 269
Times, The (London), 697
Tirpitz, Alfred von, 872
tithe, 13, 97, 129, 174, 201, 249, 351, 594
Titian (Tiziano Vecellio), 66, 68, 72, 79, 175
Tito (Josip Broz), 1083-84, 1083, 1118,
1135, 1209
tobacco production, 196, 225, 356
Tobago, 571