A History of Modern Europe - From the Renaissance to the Present
A-96 Index
Tobruk, Battle of (1942), 108b
Togoland, 829, 904, 973
Toleration Act (Great Britain; 1689), 230, 390
Tolstoy, Leo, 706, 717
Tonkin, 839, 851
Tonkin Gulf Resolution (1964), 1157
Tonnies, Friedrich, 805
Torch, Operation, 1089
Tories (Great Britain), 500
in eighteenth century, 404, 408-10
in nineteenth century, 581, 608-9, 611,
in Restoration, 227-28
see also Conservative Party
torture, 337, 591, 1114, 1224, 1237, 1239
Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de, 765
Tour de France, 780
tourism, 755, 1143
Tours, Congress of (1920), 1018
loussaint L'Ouverture, Pierre Dominique,
452, 488
as centers of Reformation, 95-96
in eighteenth century, 375-78, 377
growth of, 5, 16, 23-25
liberties of, 25
municipal privileges of, 95—96
in Tudor England, 191-92
trade and commerce:
with Africa, 42, 388-89
with Asia, 24, 46-49, 73, 169-70, 235,
373, 374, 388, 389
department stores and, 743, 778-79
in eighteenth century, 373, 374, 387-90,
389, 404,419
entrepreneurial ideal in, 535, 542
European organizations and, 1133,
exploration and, 35—36, 40, 42, 73
in fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries,
3-4, 5, 16, 35-36, 46-49, 48, 73,
imperialism and, 821-23, 829-30, 836,
838-39, 842, 846-47, 846, 849-50,
in late sixteenth and seventeenth cen
turies, 166—71, 168
in medieval period, 18, 21-23, 24
in Napoleonic Wars, 498-500, 501-2
naval protection of, 404
with New World, 73, 169-70, 374, 389-90
in nineteenth century, 729
in Old Regime France, 142-43
after World War II, 1120-21, 1122, 1123
see also blockades, embargoes; economic
conditions; financial institutions,
merchant-bankers; Industrial Revolu
tion; Industrial Revolution, Second;
specific countries
Trade Disputes Act (Great Britain; 1906), 703
Trade Disputes Act (Great Britain; 1927), 988
Trades Union Congress (1868), 701
Trade Union Act (Great Britain; 1875), 787
Trade Union Council (Great Britain), 987
trade unions, see labor unions
Trafalgar, Battle of (1805), 488, 489
Transcaucasia, 951
transhumance, 14
Trans-Jordan (Jordan), 974, 1164
transportation, 6, 274
automobiles, 753-54, 779, 855, 1121,
in nineteenth century, 519-23, 526, 531,
in post-World War II era, 1121, 1122,
1142, 1143
roads/highways and, 372
subways, 753
water, 169, 197, 372, 519, 523, 742, 845
see also canals; railroads
transubstantiation, 88, 104, 114
Transvaal, 832-35, 871
Transylvania, 147, 148, 157, 264, 342, 360,
427, 623, 634, 635, 675, 679, 1066
Treatise on Orders and Simple Dignities (Loy
seau), 141
Treaty of Paris (1814), 571
trench warfare, 892-95, 921
Trenton, Battle of (1776), 417
Trianon, Treaty of (1920), 967
Tribune des Femmes, La, 566
Trimble, David, 1188
Trinidad, 571
Trinity (Masaccio), 68
Tripartite Pact (1940), 1066, 1070
Triple Alliance, 869-71,881, 888
see also World War I
Triple Entente, 864, 874, 881, 888
see also World War I
Tripoli War, 880
Tristan, Flora, 566
Triumph of the Will, 1028
Troppau, Congress of (1820), 588
Trotsky, Leon (Lev Davidovich Bronstein),
942, 943, 945, 947, 951, 953, 1035,
1036, 1045
Truffaut, Francois, 1139
Truman, Harry, 1101, 1111, 1111, 1112
Truman Doctrine, 1119
Tsushima, Battle of (1905), 720
tuberculosis (consumption), 516, 558
Tudjman, Franjo, 1210