A History of Modern Europe - From the Renaissance to the Present

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Index A-97

Tunisia, 825, 829, 847, 851, 869, 976, 1088,


independence of, 1168

Turgot, Anne-Robert, 344, 422-23, 422, 436

Turin, Treaty of (1860), 655, 729

Turkey, Turks, 692, 806, 876-78, 924, 968,

969, 970, 972, 1056, 1092, 1112,

1122, 1165, 1231

in Bulgaria, 1203

in Cypriot conflict, 1185

Kurdish rebels in, 1233

migration from, 1221

in NATO, 1115

see also Ottoman Empire

Turkistan, 713, 931,949,951

Turner, Frederick Jackson, 844

Tuscany, 22, 46, 52, 53, 575, 624, 650, 656

Two Sicilies, Kingdom of the, 575, 588

Tyndale, William, 111

Tyrol, 106

U-2 incident (1960), 1155

U-boats, 897, 904, 907, 912, 915, 922, 964,


see also submarines

Uganda, 830, 848,854, 1171

Ukraine, Ukrainians, 5, 189, 270, 277, 675,

677, 681, 716, 722-23, 917, 969,

1194, 1196, 1208

agriculture in, 519, 897

Catholics in, 270

Jews in, 338

Mongols in, 5

peasants in, 270, 428

in Poland, 969, 1069

in post-Communist era, 1214, 1216

Russian Revolution and, 937, 943, 945,

946-47, 948, 949, 951

in World War II, 1073, 1110, 1115

Ulbricht, Walter, 1132, 1191

Ulm, Battle of (1805), 488

Ulster, see Northern Ireland

Ultra-royalists (France), 594

Ulyanov, Alexander, 718

Ulyanov, Vladimir Ilyich, see Lenin

Ulysses (Joyce), 991

Umberto I, king of Italy, 659, 795

Unam Sanctum (Boniface VIII), 86

Untgenitus (Clement XI), 260, 420

Union of Communist Youth (Komsomol;

Soviet Union), 1039

Union of Democratic Forces (Bulgaria), 1204

Union of Liberation, 717

Union of Lubin, 245

Unitarianism, 107, 326

United Nations (UN), 1186

Cuban Missile Crisis and, 1155

human rights and, 1238

Iraq invasion and, 1236

Israel founding and, 1163—64

Korean War and, 1151

planning for, 1094, 1099, 1112-15

Suez Canal Crisis and, 1166

Yugoslav civil wars and, 1212—13

United States, 868, 995, 1186, 1220, 1236-38

African Americans, 973

anti-communism in, 1151

Asian territories of, 842

Bosnian peace accord and, 1213

in Boxer Rebellion, 841

British trade with, 856

censorship in, 991

Chinese concessions and, 840-41, 842

civil rights movement in, 1178

in Cold War, 1109, 1148-49, 1151,

1154-57, 1159-60

colonial period of, 196-98

crime and police in, 545

in Cuban Missile Crisis, 1105, 1155-56,


Europe-based nuclear weapons of, 1181

German reunification and, 1200

Great Depression in, 995, 996, 1000, 1051

imperialism of, 836, 841-42, 859

Iraq invasion by, 1236-37, i239

Louisiana Territory sold to, 488

migration to, 552, 642, 658, 661, 761-63,

772, 823

Monroe Doctrine of, 588

in NATO, 1115

1960s protests in, 1176

nuclear treaties of, 1156, 1159-60,

1195-96, 1218, 1236

Panama Canal and, 872

post-World War II, economic conditions

in, 1119, 1120, 1121, 1122

post-World War II settlement and, 1105,

1111, 1112, 1113, 1114

Russian Revolution and, 936, 948

Second Industrial Revolution in, 748

slavery in, 709-10

Soviet detente with, 1159, 1176

in Spanish-American War, 841-42

in Spanish Civil War, 1045

Suez Canal Crisis and, 1153, 1165-66

and terrorism, 1234

in United Nations, 1114

Versailles Treaty and, 960, 961-63, 966

Vietnam War and, 1159, 1178

in War of 1812, 500

War of Independence of, 412, 414-19,

423, 430, 438, 478

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