A History of Modern Europe - From the Renaissance to the Present

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Index A-99

325, 329, 334, 336, 337, 343, 346,

347, 348, 449, 494, 843

Frederick the Great's relationship with,

340, 342

voluntary associations, 544-47

Vormdrz (“Before March”) period, 605

voting rights, 534, 632, 641

in Austria, 622, 646, 679

in Belgium, 614, 646

for eighteen-year-olds, 1124

in England, 221, 458

in France, 483, 508-9, 580, 593, 596, 616,

639, 640, 646, 696, 726, 735-36,


in French Revolution, 452, 461, 471

in German states, 604, 614, 628, 646

in Germany, 667, 696, 979

in Great Britain, 408, 412, 414, 419, 534,

539, 562, 605-9, 646, 695-96

in Hungary, 623

in inter-war period, 979

in Italian Renaissance, 50, 54

in Italy, 646, 658, 659, 979

liberal view of, 580

in Norway, 979

in Prussia, 580, 630, 662

in Russia, 696 ’

in Spain, 503, 646

in Sweden, 979

in Switzerland, 423, 430, 600

for women, 430, 458, 539, 618-19,

796-98, 979, 1010

Voyage to Icaria (Cabet), 566

Wadsworth, William, 523

Wagner, Richard, 584, 673, 1028

Wagram, Battle of, 491

Waiting for Godot (Beckett), 1138

Waldensians, 87, 100

Wales, 179, 180, 187, 390

Walesa, Lech, 1192, 1197, 1215

Wallachia, 428, 591, 689, 691, 692, 711

Wallenstein, Albert, 151, 154-55

Wallon Amendment (France; 1874), 735

Wall Street Crash (1929), 994, 995-96,


Walpole, Horace, 353, 386, 410

Walpole, Sir Robert, 349, 407, 408

War and Peace (Tolstoy), 706

war crimes, Nazi, 1114, 1118

War of American Independence, 412,

414-19, 423, 430, 438, 478

French aid in, 417, 418, 423, 438

War of Bavarian Succession, 401

War of 1812, 500

War of Jenkins’ Ear, 390, 407

War of Polish Succession, 427

War of the Austrian Succession, 390, 393,

394-96, 396, 397, 438

War of the Holy League, 264

War of the League of Augsburg, 279, 280

War of the Roses, 179

War of the Spanish Succession, 248, 265,

280, 280, 391,392, 406

Warsaw, Grand Duchy of, 491, 505, 506

Warsaw, Treaty of, 1181

Warsaw Pact (1955), 1116, 1152, 1153,

1154, 1188, 1190

wars of religion, 81, 106-7, 126-61, 243

in France, 126, 127-45, 185, 258-60

see also absolutism; Thirty Years’ War

Washington, George, 415, 417

Washington Naval Conference (1921-1922),


Waste Land, The (Eliot), 989-90

water frame, 370

Waterloo, Battle of (1815), 434, 509, 510

Watt, James, 369, 369, 371

Watteau, Jean Antoine, 331

Wealth of Nations, The (Smith), 344-45,

344, 580

weapons of mass destruction (WMDs),


see also nuclear weapons

We Are Making a New World (Nash), 894

Weber, Max, 784, 805

Wedgwood, Josiah, 371

welfare state, 981-82

after World War II, 1106, 1126-27,


Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, duke of, 500,

507, 507, 509, 608

Wesley, John, 326-27, 326

Western Sahara, 859

West Indies, 390, 499

Westminster Review, 581

Westphalia, 494, 501, 502

Westphalia, Treaty of (1648), 145, 158-61,

159, 262, 266

“What Is Property?” (Proudhon), 566

What Is to Be Done? (Chernyshevsky), 713

What Is to Be Done? (Lenin), 719

Whigs (Great Britain):

in eighteenth century, 404, 408-10,


in nineteenth century, 607-9, 611, 693

in Restoration, 227-28

White Russia (Belarus or Byelorussia), 270,

716, 762, 937,951, 1073, 1208

White Terror (1810s), 594

Wilde, Oscar, 810, 812

Wilkes, John, 412-14, 413

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