A History of Modern Europe - From the Renaissance to the Present

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
A-100 Index

William, prince of Wales, 1183

William 1, emperor of Germany (king of

Prussia), 649, 661, 662, 667, 668,

670, 671, 731

William I, king of Netherlands, 575, 598

William I, prince of Orange, 198, 199, 201

William II, emperor of Germany, 672-73,

672, 779, 834, 870, 871-72, 873,

874, 879, 883

abdication of, 923, 957

in World War I, 887, 898, 921

William II, prince of Orange, 232

William III, king of England, 208, 228-30,

229, 232, 240, 279, 314, 390

William IV, king of England, 608

William V, prince of Orange, 424

Wilson, Daniel, 737

Wilson, Harold, 1181, 1226

Wilson, Woodrow, 914, 919, 921-22, 925,

969, 992

Versailles Treaty and, 956, 957, 960-63,


Wind in the Willows (Grahame), 809

Windischgratz, Prince Alfred, 633, 641

Winthrop, John, 196

witchcraft and magic, 17, 119, 121-22

Witte, Sergei, 722, 723-24

Wolfe, James, 400-401, 400

Wollstonecraft, Mary, 458, 459

Wolsey, Thomas, 112, 114, 179, 180, 192


accused as witches, 121-22

in Austria-Hungary, 911

on bicycles, 780

charitable work of, 545

church attendance of, 777

Diderot on, 320

education of, 328, 337, 774-76

in 1848 unrest, 617-19, 618, 641

in English Civil War, 221

Enlightenment and, 328, 348

excluded from clubs, 544

in French Revolution, 448, 449-50, 450,

454, 455, 458, 466, 467, 470, 471

in Germany, 790-91, 797, 979, 1024,

1025-26, 1086

in Great Britain, 539, 546, 553, 554, 696,

796-98,910-11,979, 1065

in Italian Renaissance, 61-62, 66

in labor unions, 561, 787

literacy and, 328

Locke on, 315

in modern France, 538, 553, 566, 617-19,

6/8, 627, 732, 734,911, 1140

in Napoleonic Code, 496

in Netherlands, 239

in nineteenth century, 537-38, 539,


as novelists, 328

in Paris Commune, 732, 732

in Portugal, 548

in post-World War II era, 1140

Reformation role of, 121-22

salons hosted by, 333, 334, 334

in science, 303—5

as socialists, 791

in Soviet Union, 1039-40

in Tudor England, 192, 193

Versailles Treaty and, 973

voting rights for, 430, 458, 539, 618-19,

796-98, 899, 979, 1010

in white-collar jobs, 772

as workers, 367, 368, 378, 553-54, 562,

747, 748, 755, 763-66, 772, 787,

796, 910-11

in World War I, 910-11

in World War II, 1065, 1086

Women’s Social and Political Union (Great

Britain), 798

Womens Voice, The, 618

Woodforde, Parson, 349

woolens industry, 22, 23, 46

Wordsworth, William, 582


children as, 555-56, 555, 562, 609, 742,

764, 764

class consciousness of, 559-61, 693, 763,


de-skilling of, 763

1848 unrest and, 616, 624, 626-28, 630,

633, 637

in eighteenth century, 381, 382

in French Revolution, 455

in Industrial Revolution, 513-14, 532,

551, 553-63

insurance programs for, 784-86, 982

in Napoleonic Code, 496

in Russia, 532

Russian Revolutions and, 721-22, 931,

932, 938, 943

in Second Industrial Revolution, 761,

763-64, 767, 773

standard of living of, 556-59

wages of, 557-58

women as, 553-54, 562, 747, 748, 755,

763-66, 772, 787, 796, 910-11

workday limits for, 556, 562, 609,

618-19, 785, 786, 791, 980, 1011,


in World War I, 899

see also artisans; labor unions; socialism;

strikes; specific countries

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