A History of Modern Europe - From the Renaissance to the Present
Index A-101
Workers’ Party of Marxist Unification
(POUM) (Spain), 1045
workhouses, 383, 785, 786
Workmen’s Compensation Law (Great Britain;
1897), 785
World Bank, 1165, 1204, 1216
World Congress of the Petty Bourgeoisie
(1899), 771
World Trade Center attack (2001), 1108,
World Trade Organization, 1232, 1232
World War I, 888-926, 905, 1012
agriculture and, 995
airplanes in, 895-96, 896
armistice and peace in, 921-23, 945
assessment of causes of, 882-84, 886-88,
Balkan conflicts preceding, 875-76
casualties in, 892, 895, 899, 904, 906,
907, 923-24, 924, 960
eastern front, 901, 902, 910
economic effects of, 923-25, 977-82, 978
final stages of, 914-23
French Plan XVII in, 885
home front in, 897-99, 910-14
immediate causes of, 882-84, 886-88
impact of, 923-25, 924, 926
mutinies in, 914, 917-18
national and ethnic challenges after,
nature of war in, 892-99
opposition to, 912
origins of, 647, 863
outbreak of, 888-92
outside Europe, 903, 919
resolution of, 956-58
Russian Revolutions and, 928-29, 931,
932-33, 933, 934, 935-36, 937-38,
939-40, 945,951
Schlieffen Plan in, 884-86, 887, 889, 891
shell shock in, 894
submarines in, 897, 904, 907, 912, 913,
914,915, 922, 964
trench warfare in, 892-95, 921
western front, 900, 904-7, 920
women in, 910-1 1
see also Versailles, Treaty of (1919)
World War II, 1057-1103
air campaigns in, 1092, 1101, 1102, 1110
Allied advances in, 1086-87, 1087
anti-Nazi resistance in, 1073, 1082-86,
1095, 1117, 1130
casualties in, 1062, 1071, 1084, 1095, 1096,
1101, 1102, 1109, 1110, 1190-91
Catholic Church in, 1080
code breakers in, 1066
coming of, 1049-57
conditions at end of, 1109
conscription in, 1065
culture in years after, 1136-40
displaced persons in, 1115-17, 111 5, 1117
early years of, 1057-73
ethnic cleansing in, 1110
fall of France in, 1061-63
Jews in, 1067, 1073, 1076-80, 1082, 1085,
1101-2, 1110
Nazi “New European Order” in, 1073-75
Nazis and collaborators punished after,
1117-19, 1118
Normandy invasion in, 1086, 1095-97,
number of victims of, 1075-80, 1085, 1102
Pearl Harbor bombing in, 1065, 1070, 1071
“phony war” in, 1059, 1062
Potsdam settlement after, 1110-12
radar used in, 1064
rebuilding after, 1105
women in, 1065, 1086
Wren, Christopher, 303
Wretched of the Earth, The (Fanon), 1138
Wright, Orville, 754
Wright, Wilbur, 754, 817
Wurttemberg, 160, 486, 488, 502, 575, 619,
629, 636, 731
Wyclif, John, 88, 89
Yalta Conference (1945), 1097, 1098, 1098,
Yeats, William Butler, 704
Yeltsin, Boris, 1207-9, 1207
Yom Kippur War, 1145
Young, Arthur, 356
“Young Czech” movement, 681
Young Italy, 604, 621, 652, 656
Young Plan, 999
Young Turks, 877, 877, 878
youth revolution, 1176, 1178-80
Ypres, Battle of (1914), 892, 895, 899
Ypres, Battle of (1917), 899, 918
Ypsilantis, Prince Alexander, 590
Yugoslavia, 1004, 1015, 1016, 1031, 1032
Austrians in, 970
break-up of, 1177, 1209-13, 1211
Catholic Church in, 970
creation of, 922, 969, 970
Dayton Peace Agreement, 1211, 1213
ethnic conflicts in, 1190
as independent of Soviet Union, 1135,
1152, 1154, 1190
Italian conflict with (1919), 1005
in Little Entente, 969
Orthodox Church in, 970