The Reformation in Switzerland and France^105
Map 3.3 Radical Religious Movements Areas in which there were Hussites,
Utraquists, Anabaptists, and Mennonites.
Radical Reformers
The reforms of Zwingli were not the only kind spreading in southern Ger
many and Switzerland in the 1520s. Some groups had even more radical
ideas in mind for changing religious morality and communal life. Radicals
shared an impatience with the plans of more moderate reformers, although
they sometimes had very different visions of what this would constitute.
Some were Anti-Trinitarians who rejected the orthodox Christian teaching
that God consisted of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Many radi
cals believed that they had been called to form the communities in which
they sought to implement “godly living” (see Map 3.3).
Most radical reformers in the 1520s held apocalyptic beliefs, convinced
that the world would soon end with a victory of God’s true faithful over the
forces of evil, in which they included those who did not agree with them or