A History of Modern Europe - From the Renaissance to the Present

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Transforming Discoveries^31

Theodore Galle’s Nova reperta (“New discoveries”) celebrates the discovery of the

New World and forms of the new technology (gunpowder, the compass, the clock,

the saddle with stirrups).

invest bishops with spiritual authority, and the pope recognized the
emperor s right to give fiefs to the bishops once they had been consecrated,
which left them with the status of vassals recognizing the lay authority of the
emperor.) The clergy generally taught obedience to secular as well as ecclesi­
astical rulers. Furthermore, in the late medieval period, kings were able to
further consolidate their power when popes granted the rulers of France,
Spain, and some German towns certain rights over the clergy, including that
of naming bishops.

Transforming Discoveries

In the late Middle Ages, stunning developments in warfare and exploration
transformed Europe and its relationship with the rest of the world. More­
over, the invention of printing created a culture of books, facilitating the
spread of knowledge, ideas, and debate, at a time when exploration led to
developing trade networks across the oceans, conquest, and empires.
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