A History of Modern Europe - From the Renaissance to the Present

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

946 Ch. 23 • Revolutionary Russia and the Soviet Union

legion of 50,000 Czechoslovak troops, which had surrendered earlier in
the war, operated as an anti-Bolshevik force along an extensive stretch of
territory into Siberia, holding the crucial trans-Siberian railway. The White
army played upon anti-Semitism by denouncing Trotsky and other Bolshe­
vik leaders because they were Jews. A wave of pogroms spread through
Ukraine and parts of Russia. More than 2 million people fled abroad to
escape the Russian Revolution and the ensuing Civil War.

Map 23.2 The Russian Civil War Boundaries of areas controlled by the Whites

and the Reds during the Russian Civil War, including advances by the White and

foreign armies.

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