A Concise History of the Middle East

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
468 • Glossary

al-Afghani, Jamal al-Din (el-af-GHAW-nee, je-MAWL ed-DEEN): Influential
pan-Islamic agitator and reformer (d. 1897)
Aghlabid dynasty (AGH-la-bid): Arab family ruling Tunisia (800-909)
al-Ahd (el-AH-d): Nationalist secret society of Arab officers in the Ottoman army
before and during World War I
Ahmad ibn Hanbal (AH-mad ibn-HAM-bal): Muslim jurist and theologian
(d. 855)
Ahmad ibn Tulun (ibn-to-LOON): Turkish founder of the Tulunid dynasty of
Ahmad Shah (ah-MAWD SHAH): Persia's last Qajar ruler (1909-1925)
Ahmed III (ah-MET): Ottoman sultan (1703-1730) during Tulip Era
al-Ahram (el-ah-RAHM): Influential Cairo daily newspaper
Aisha (ah-EE-sha): Abu-Bakr's daughter, one of Muhammad's wives, and oppo¬
nent of Ali at the Battle of the Camel (656)
Alawi (AH-la-wee): Offshoot of Shi'i Islam prevalent in part of northern Syria
Aleppo (ah-LEP-po): City in northern Syria
Alexander the Great: Macedonian general and empire builder (d. 323 B.C.E.)
Alexandretta: Mediterranean seaport and its hinterland, now called Iskenderun,
held by Turkey but claimed by Syria
Alexandria: Egyptian city on the Mediterranean coast
Ali (AH-lee): Fourth of the early caliphs (656-661), regarded by Shi'i Muslims as
the first imam (leader) after Muhammad
Alid: Pertaining to Ali, his descendants, or partisans of their role as Muslim
aliya (ah-lee-YAH): Jewish immigration to Israel
Allenby, Edmund: Commander of Egyptian Expeditionary Force in World War I,
conqueror of Palestine, later high commissioner for Egypt and the Sudan


Allon, Yigal (al-LAWN, yeeg-AHL): Israeli general and political leader (d. 1980)
Amal (ah-MAL): Lebanese Shi'i revolutionary movement, led by Nabih Berri and
backed by Syria
American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC): Influential pro-Israel lobby
Amin (ah-MEEN): Abbasid caliph (809-813)
amir (ah-MEER): Muslim ruler or prince
amir al-muminin (ah-MEER el-muh-men-NEEN): Commander of the true be¬
lievers, a title given to the caliph
Amman (am-MAN): Capital of Jordan
Amr ibn al-As (AHM ribn el-ASS): Early Arab general, conqueror of Egypt, and
Mu'awiya's representative in the arbitration (d. 663)
Anatolia: Peninsula between the Mediterranean, Black, and Aegean seas
Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry: Delegation that visited Palestine in 1946,
urging continuation of mandate and admission of 100,000 Jews

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