China in World History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

178 Index

Chen Duxiu, 117–18
Cheng, King of Zhou, 9
Chiang Kai-shek, 120, 121–23, 124, 134;
Communists and, 126, 127, 128–29, 130;
United States and, 131, 136, 138
China Maritime Customs Service, 124
Chinese Communist Party. See Communist
Chinese language, 38; writing, 7–8, 10, 22,
Christian missionaries, 99, 106, 110–11,
Chu, state of, 11, 21
Civil service examinations, 29, 63, 67, 69,
73; abolition of (1905), 114; Manchu
rule and, 98; Ming era, 88, 91; Mongol
rule and, 81, 83. See also Bureaucracy
Civil war, 44; ending Han dynasty, 35–36;
ending Qin dynasty, 24; ending Sui
dynasty, 53; ending Tang dynasty, 67; in
1930s, 126–28; 1947–49, 133–35. See
also Warring States period
Cixi, Dowager Empress (Qing), 108, 109,
110, 111
The Classic of Filial Piety, 48
Coinage, 77–78
Communist International (Comintern), 120
Communist Party, 120, 121–22, 152;
Chiang Kai-shek and, 128, 130, 134;
Deng Xiaoping’s leadership of, 147–48,
150; Gang of Four and, 145–46; Mao
Zedong and, 126, 127, 135, 137,
138–39; Olympics and, 153; peasants
and, 126, 131, 132, 135; propaganda
of, 132, 140, 143; Red Guard and,
142; student protests and, 148, 149–50;
women and, 132, 136, 140
The Complete Poems of the Tang Dynasty,
The Complete Works of the Four Treasuries,
Confucianism, 21, 31, 47, 50; Daoism
and, 15–16, 40, 43–44, 56; family and,
124, 147; fi lial piety and, xv, 35, 43,
44, 48, 86; Neo-Confucianism, 73, 84;
poetry and, 64; Qin emperor and, 23; as
state-sponsored doctrine, 29, 31, 36, 39,
67; Tang legal code and, 54; traditional
values of, 123; Wang Yangming and, 92
Confucian scholars, 23, 28, 31, 69, 73. See
also Scholar-offi cials
Confucius (Kongzi), 10, 13–14; Analects,
37, 70; on fi lial piety, xv, 15; Legalism
and, 15, 17
Coolie trade, 107
Cotton cultivation, 75
Courtesan culture, 93–94
Crime and punishment, 22, 54
Cultural hybridization, 38, 48

Cultural Revolution, 142–46, 147
Culture, 84; change and, xv, 155. See also
Art and artisans
Dai, Lady, 32
Dalai Lama, 141
Dance troupes, 55
Daodejing, 16, 40
Daoism (the Way), 12, 16, 18, 30, 41, 49,
51; Confucianism and, 16, 40, 43–44,
55, 56; Han emperor and, 30; Yellow
Turbans, 36, 40
Debt slavery, 107
Deng Xiaoping, 141, 142–43, 144–50, 152;
Four Modernizations of, 146, 147
Diamond, Jared, xi
Ding Ling, 132
Disease, 82, 84, 124–25
Divination, 6, 8, 10
Donglin Movement, 95
Dong Zhongshu, 30, 31
Dragon bones. See Oracle bones
The Dream of the Red Chamber, 100
Du Fu, 63, 64
Dunhuang cave art, 46, 49, 54, 55
Eastern Han period, 31
Eastern Zhou period, 11
Economy, 70, 123, 136, 150–51, 152–53;
Buddhist monasteries and, 57; Deng’s
reforms and, 146; Han dynasty, 32;
hyperinfl ation (1948), 134; Mao’s
campaigns and, 139–40, 148; Ming era,
90–91; Song revolution, 75; U.S.-China
relations and, 151, 154; Yuan era, 82. See
also Trade
Education, 31, 69, 73; for women, 75. See
also Scholar-offi cials
Elite, 19, 51, 55, 56,, 73; Han dynasty, 29;
Silk Roads trade and, 28–29; tombs of,
32, 33, 64. See also Aristocracy; Scholar-
offi cials
Enlightenment, 42, 43, 56, 91
Epidemic disease, 82, 84
Equal-fi eld system, 48, 51, 53, 54, 61
Eunuchs (castrates), 29, 35, 60, 68; Ming-
era court and, 86, 90, 95
European powers, China and, 102. See also
specifi c European powers
Examination system. See Civil service
Extraterritoriality, 105, 111, 124
Falun Gong, 152
Family (Ba Jin), 124
Family life, xv, 19, 124, 147. See also Filial
Famines, 95, 141
Fang Lizhi, 148
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