114 Chapter 3: CharaCter OptiOns
hOnOr’s last stand
Armor (shield), legendary (requires attunement by a non-evil character)
This massive, silvered shield bearing the crest of the Plat-
inum Dragon never tarnishes. The metal is warm to the
touch. While holding the shield, you have a +1 bonus to
AC. This bonus is in addition to the shield’s normal bonus
to AC. You are also immune to the prone condition while
bearing this shield.
When a character awakens Honor’s Last Stand, apply the
following changes to the item’s traits:
- Increase the bonus to AC to a +2.
- Whenever a creature’s attack against you misses, you
can use your reaction to immediately attempt to make
a shove attack against that creature.
ex alted
When a character exalts Honor’s Last Stand, apply the
following changes to the item’s traits:
- Increase the bonus to AC to a +3.
- Using a bonus action, you can protect an adjacent ally,
imparting +3 to their AC until the beginning of your
next turn, or they are no longer adjacent to you (which-
ever comes first).
kiss Of the ChangeBringer
Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement)
A beautiful, glittering emerald is set within the center of
this silver chain, humming with power and possibility.
While wearing this amulet, you gain a +1 bonus to all
saving throws, and are immune to the grappled condition.
When a character awakens the Kiss of the Changebringer,
apply the following changes to the item’s traits:
- Increase the bonus to all saving throws to a +2.
- You become immune to the restrained condition as
well as the grappled condition. - You may use an action to cast the spell blink on your-
self without needing any components. You cannot use
this ability again until you finish a long rest.
ex alted
When a character exalts the Kiss of the Changebringer,
apply the following changes to the item’s traits:
- Increase the bonus to all saving throws to a +3.
- You become immune to the paralyzed and pet-
rified conditions, as well as the grappled and
restrained conditions. - Whenever you make an attack roll, an ability check,
or a saving throw, you can choose to roll an additional
d20. You can choose to do this after you roll the die,
but before the outcome is determined. You choose
which of the d20s is used for the attack roll, ability
check, or saving throws. You cannot use this ability
again until you finish a short or long rest.
mythCar Ver
Weapon (longsword), legendary (requires attunement by a bard)
This incredible silvered blade once belonged to the White
Duke himself, and many more master bards before him. It
resonates with nearby musical tones. You have a +1 bonus
to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon.
Whenever you use your Bardic Inspiration feature, you
gain advantage on attacks with this weapon until the end
of your turn.
When a character awakens Mythcarver, apply the follow-
ing changes to the item’s traits:
- Increase the bonus to attack and damage rolls to +2.
In addition, targets damaged with this weapon take an
additional 1d6 points of force damage.- Whenever you use your Cutting Words feature
while wielding this blade, the target has disadvan-
tage on their next saving throw.
- Whenever you use your Cutting Words feature
ex alted
When a character exalts Mythcarver, apply the fol-
lowing changes to the item’s traits:
- Increase the bonus to attack and damage rolls to +3.
- You can spend an action to let the spirit of the sword
overtake you momentarily. You make four melee attacks
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Ch angeBringer
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