Chapter 4: allies and adVersaries 127
Though the tribes of the Ashari wardens are neutral and
spurn the “petty political nonsense” that they consider
outsiders to be focused on, it is still all too easy to run
afoul of the Ashari. They consider the strange elemen-
tal rifts over which they are guardians to be of foremost
importance, and it is very easy for strangers to take actions
that unknowingly disrupt the delicate balance over which
the Ashari carefully watch. Though they are generally
friendly to travelers—particularly to travelers in need—
they are guarded, and do not hesitate to act to eliminate
threats to the elemental powers and their own way of life.
ashari firetamer
Of all the ashari tribes, the fire ashari of Pyrah have
suffered the greatest. Their people were all but destroyed
when Thordak burst through the Rift of Flame in his
cataclysmic return to Exandria. Yet despite their immense
hardships, the fire ashari have given selflessly to the
people of Tal’Dorei. Led by a half-orc ashari named Lor-
kathar, a group of firetamers keep watch over the volatile
Scar of the Cinder King on the outskirts of Emon.
Firetamers are the elite elementalists of the Pyrah,
using their attunement to the primordial forces of the
world to not just create fire, not just command it, but tame
it to their will. A firetamer of Pyrah is nothing like the
manic pyromancers of Tal’Dorei; while the latter reck-
lessly wields fire as a weapon, firetamers use their talent to
protect others from fire’s destructive power—or to use that
same power to destroy those who threaten their people.
Firetamers are almost always accompanied by a salaman-
der, a fire elemental, or a small herd of magma or smoke
mephits. While home in Pyrah, ashari firetamers use their
power to control the Rift of Flame or to control the flames
of the Cindergrove.
ashari stOneguard
The earth ashari of Terrah are a stoic people, slow to
change socially, and more likely to fight defensive battles
Allies and Adversaries of Tal’Dorei
Many are the dangers of Tal’Dorei, and even mighty adventurers quickly learn to watch their step in these lands,
whether in deepest wilderness or in the middle of one of its many settlements. What follows is a handful of the mon-
sters, warriors, and agents iconic to Tal’Dorei for use in your campaign. As with any monster, the DM should feel
free to adjust these traits using the guidelines in the DMG to make them better serve the needs of their campaign.