Tal'Dorei Campaign Guide PDF

(Jeff_L) #1

138 Chapter 4: allies and adVersaries

world is silent, urging them to prepare for his resurrection,
either by secretly molding society to accept his return, or
by concocting rituals that hasten his rebirth.

remnant ChOsen
All followers of the Whispered One are zealous followers
of their god-to-be. Every cultist spends hours in silent
meditation, hoping to hear their long-dead master whis-
per a commandment from beyond the veil. For most, this
meditation is fruitless.
But some do hear the whispers. In the silence of their
meditation, the spectral voice of the Whispered One
worms its way into their emptied minds, filling their heads
with words of power. Fragments of the Whispered One’s
ancient arcane might boils within their blood, granting
them spells unseen since the Age of Arcanum.

Remnant Faithful

Empowered by the essentially never-dying essence of
their lord, the Whispered One, those who remain under
his sway and fulfill their part in his unknowable schemes
are granted secret knowledge and powers that strip away
the perceived fallacies of society and the world around
them, baring the terrible truths that only aid to further
indoctrinate the faithful.

remnant Cultist
All cultists of the Whispered One endure horrific rites of
initiation that forever shackle them to the will of the cult
leaders. Every cultist can feel the presence of their foul
god just beyond the fabric of the physical world, and many
claim to hear him speaking to them when the rest of the
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