The Prime Deities
The circle of Prime Deities involves the leaders and
luminary creators that battled the Primordial Titans
and instigated the Founding, forging the mortal races of
Exandria. They represent a spectrum of light, protection,
love, death, and all other facets of freedom and life in
the world. While some gods may disagree and squabble
over domains and intent, they exist in a subtle alliance to
maintain the sanctity of life and their respective creations.
the arCheart
Alignment: Chaotic Good • Domains: Light, Arcana
Guardian over the spheres of spring, beauty, and the arts,
the Archeart is the patron of arcane magic and the fey.
The Founding inspired them to wander the twisted lands,
seeding them with the first arcane magics and raising the
most ancient of forests. It was by the Archeart’s hand that
the first elves wandered from the Feywild, and for this
reason they are considered the Mother and Father of all
elves. Those who seek art in all their work, whether magic
or mundane, often worship at the altar of the Archeart.
They loathe the Spider Queen and her priestesses for lead-
ing the drow elves astray.
Most modern tapestries and tomes depict the Archeart
as an elven being of impossible grace and beauty, androg-
ynous and alluring, framed by long wavy golden hair.
They have been the inspiration for many early elven art
pieces, and it’s not uncommon to find elements of their
visage or symbol included in most elven architecture.
The Archeart’s holy day is called Elvendawn, or Mid-
summer. It is celebrated on the twentieth day of the sixth
month, and celebrates the elves’ first emergence from
the Feywild. In Syngorn, the elves build
magical wards in certain spaces and
open small doorways into the Feywild and celebrate with
uncharacteristic vigor with the wild fey.
Comm andments of the arChe art
- Create, inspire, and find beauty in all that you do.
- Follow the echoes of lost magics, forgotten sites, and ancient
art, for within these lie the Archeart’s first works. - Combat the followers of the Spider Queen wherever
they may be.
the allhammer
Alignment: Lawful Good • Domains: Knowledge, War
The patron of craft and creation, the Allhammer is wor-
shipped by smiths, artisans, and miners alike, granting
inspiration where respect and prayer are given. He shaped
the mountains from the chaos of the Founding, and
stands as the patron protector of home and family. The
devotion to the Allhammer is strongest in dwarven com-
munities, and many of his temples mark the center of a
mighty dwarven stronghold.
Many guild halls and workshops contain images of the
Allhammer, a faceless, stout dwarf-like being of immense
strength, hunched over a flaming heart clasped within his
massive hands.
The Allhammer’s holy day is Deep Solace, and is
celebrated on the eighteenth day of the fifth month. Espe-
cially devout followers of the Allhammer spend the day in
isolation, meditating on the meaning of family and how
they may be better mothers, fathers, siblings, and chil-
dren. Other dwarven communities in Kraghammer and
abroad celebrate with a full day of feasting and drinking.
Comm andments of the allh a mmer
- Remain stoic and tenacious in the face of catastrophe.
- Uphold and promote loyalty to family, loyalty to clan, and
loyalty to your people. - Legacy is paramount. To create something that lasts the ages
is to change the world for the better.
The Pantheon of Exandria
When the Divergence transpired, the Divine Gate was established. A powerful barrier between the Material Plane and
the divine realms, the Divine Gate both sealed away the Betrayer Gods and the Prime Deities to their respective domains
in hopes of salvaging the new age and preventing another Calamity. Should the Divine Gate be destroyed by the unani-
mous effort of the Prime Deities, all powers will be unleashed and Armageddon will be imminent. Thus, the gods patiently
watch their creations from beyond the veil, lending what small power and chosen minions they can send through the gate
to aid their faithful in their goals and pursuits.
These provided gods and titles are recommended as the existing pantheon, but they are only a recommendation. You
are welcome to tailor, alter, and completely change the gods in your Tal’Dorei campaign to fit your needs. The domains
provided are those likely chosen by clerics and followers of that deity, but these are not your only options, and many other
domains can be attributed to your preferred patron. Discuss with your GM how best to dress your domain choice to fit
within the philosophies and commandments of your patron, and ask their approval.
“We call to thee, O Font of Magic, O Source of Spring,
O Beauty of the Wildwood. Uplift our eyes, O Ancient
Glory, and let us espy the beauty around us, that we
might samewise find that beauty reflected within us.”
-From the Hymn of Spring’s Dawning,
faith of the Archeart