Tal'Dorei Campaign Guide PDF

(Jeff_L) #1
Chapter 1: Campaigns in tal'Dorei 39

the groundwork for the Whispered One’s eventual return.
With each passing generation, his will grows ever stronger.


Following the instructions left behind, the Remnants seek
to slowly infiltrate and indoctrinate elements of society to
prepare for the next stage in the Whispered One’s plot.
Each separate sect of the cult is named as a part of his body,
and acts independently to pursue their assigned tasks. These
sub-factions are called the Eyes, the Voice, the Blood, the
Hand, and the Heart. Each splinter cult is tasked with
infiltrating and corrupting a respective societal core, and
it’s said that when the time for their dark master’s return is
nigh, they shall rejoin as one for the ritual.


The Remnants are largely unknown, and wish to remain
so. Those who are aware of their presence are either mem-
bers, or have uncovered their insidious existence and seek
to stamp it out wherever it may appear. Thus, there are
rarely any alliances made by or with the Remnants.

figures of interest

Quinton PuCK

Human Jeweler, Master of the Eyes. While he runs a mid-
dling jewelry business within Emon, Quinton is secretly
the organizing leader of the Remnants sect The Eyes of
the Whispered One within Emon.

ixr at tu Kh ar

Vampire Tiefling Convict. This escapee from the Black Bas-
tille prison in Emon is Tal’Dorei’s most infamous mass
murderer, having slaughtered and consumed hundreds
of innocents on a deadly killing spree from Kymal to
Emon. She is secretly lurking in the Cliff keep Mountains,
regaining her strength and gathering new followers for her
sect of the Whispered One’s cult.

The Wardens of Syngorn

The elven city of Syngorn was established in the Verdant
Expanse by the sorceress Yenlara, the wood elves’ first
leader after the Divergence. Today, the city of Syngorn
is safeguarded by the three offices of elders called “War-
dens,” united by the High Warden. These four keep the
city and the surrounding lands safe from intrusion.


Maintaining the prosperity and safety of Syngorn is of
utmost importance, and the Wardens believe that the elven
lives they have sworn to protect are worth more than any
outsider’s. The three offices of the Wardens are the Verdant
Lord, the Voice of Memory, and the Guildrunner. The office
of the Verdant Lord commands Syngorn’s formidable mili-
tary, which is maintained throughout the Verdant Expanse,
ready to be called to Syngorn’s defense at a moment’s notice.

The Wardens also place a great deal of focus on main-
taining and elevating their culture. The arts are respected
on a very high level, and it’s not uncommon for a Syn-
gornian to rise in social status based on proven adeptness
with a craft or performance art.

As xenophobic as their society may be, the Wardens do
understand the importance of alliances and trade, and
have worked with the Tal’Dorei Council for over a hun-
dred years to the betterment of both parties. The Wardens
still hold a grudge against the Houses of Kraghammer
based on their alliance with Drassig many centuries ago,
and Kraghammer is likewise happy to ignore Syngorn’s
existence on a political level.

figures of interest

high war den tirelda
Elf Warden of Syngorn. In her gray years, by elven standards,
she is of the Yenlara bloodline and entrusted with the high-
est level of responsibility among the Wardens to maintain
law, guide society, and preside over the other Wardens.

ver dant lor d Celindar
Elf Warden of Syngorn. Head of the Verdant Guard of
Syngorn, and an accomplished warrior himself, Celindar
handles all military strategy and instruction within the
forest ’s bounds.

ouestr a, the voiCe of memory
Elf Warden of Syngorn. Grand historian and beloved
vocalist, Ouestra is charged with the preservation of Syn-
gornian culture. It’s said her song can control moonlight,
and bring light to the abyss.

guildru nner raw ndel
Elf Warden of Syngorn. One of the oldest living elves
within Syngorn, Rawndel is more cunning and insightful
than most, allowing him to be a very effective head of
commerce, business, and the treasury.
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