52 Chapter 2: Gazetteer of tal’Dorei
Tal’Dorei’s vast heartland, framed by the Stormcrest and Cliff keep Mountains, contains miles and miles of rolling hills,
tallgrass prairies, sky-blue rivers, and fertile farmlands. Within these plains, the hardworking people of the realm tend
to their fields and businesses while the armed protectors of civilization battle back the wild beasts and wandering bandits
looking to prey on these points of enduring society. The Silvercut Roadway meanders across the endless plains, connecting
the coasts and bringing caravans between with fresh trade and intrigue to the industrious pioneers of central Tal’Dorei.
A caravanner’s life is not without danger, though. Warbands of Ravagers, a chaotic horde of orcs and goblinoids rove the
grasslands, slaughtering and pillaging indiscriminately. Packs of nomad gnolls also steal from humanoid caravans, though
diplomats have recently begun to broker a peace between humans and gnolls to unite against the greater threat of the Rav-
agers. Beyond the grassy plains, owlbears and other arcane monstrosities stalk the wooded regions. Tribes of wild centaurs
also gallop across the open plains, delivering the Archeart’s justice as they see fit.
Without the plentiful game and timber the Bramblewood
provides, the nearby city of Westruun would likely not exist.
A trading city with nothing to trade rarely lasts long in this
part of Tal’Dorei. In recent years, it has become difficult to
exploit the forest’s resources; the feral creatures that call the
Bramblewood home have grown territorial, and people have
started to go missing within it. For those brave enough to
venture into the Bramblewood, a pair of well-tread paths
have resisted its overgrowth; one leads to the iron-rich Mur-
doon Mines at the base of the Cliff keeps, while the other
winds upward to Gatshadow’s storm-wreathed peak.
The Dividing Plains
The Bramblewood
Surrounding the base of the southernmost stretch of the
Cliff keep Mountains is the dark and tangled forest known
as the Bramblewood. Named for the indigenous trees that
brandish jagged thorns across their bark, the Bramble-
woods’ impenetrable canopy and thick, gnarled roots only
add to its ominous appearance. Streams of snowmelt from
the Cliff keeps trickles down to form streams that spider-
web across the forest and into the plains beyond.
reliGions: Majority:
Wildmother, Lawbearer,
Platinum Dragon. Minority:
Stormlord, Everlight,
Ruiner, Strife Emperor,
Chained Oblivion
iMports: Fish, gold, silver,
arcane components
exports: Wood products,
lumber, grain, produce,
cobalt, iron, livestock