Chapter 2: Gazetteer of tal’Dorei 75
throw an annual coming-of-age festival, in which the
tribe drinks and brawls the night before their young
warriors leave to cross the mountains on a pilgrimage to
the Shrine of the Ruiner in the Dreamseep Marshlands.
Those who brave the perils of the wilderness return as
true warriors.
The Frostweald is also home to a host of benevolent fey,
most of them pixies or dryads, using the forest as a safe
haven away from the Feywild. If pressed for answers on
why they have left the Feywild, their answers are always
cryptic and unsatisfactory, but always ominously suggest a
“Great Shadow” has descended upon their lands, perhaps
even a host of warriors from the Shadowfell? A nymph
named Arethusa (use mage statistics for her) watches over
a cluster of three mirror-like pools that form a pathway
into the Feywild, each to a different Archfey’s forest. She
is suspicious of all mortals, and both her trust and a favor
are required for passage.
Many forgotten obelisks of the Knowing Mistress also
lay buried under the ice and snow, half-lost beacons that
guide travelers to the Cavern of Axiom. If any living
creature knows why these ancient monoliths reside here
when no other ruins of the Knowing Mistress have been
discovered, they have kept the knowledge secret from
the other scholars of the world. Ten years ago, the half-
orc Emonian archaeologist Jorlund Vohr discovered a
cache of Ioun stones buried here and returned them to
the Alabaster Lyceum of Emon, but his research and
findings were stolen the week after he returned. Vohr has
since stated he “got over it,” and is back to work on new
research on Visa Isle.
A relic of the Age of Arcanum, Wrettis is the ruined
tower of a powerful mage driven mad by the seductive
whispers of beings from the beyond. What few leg-
ends survive of Wrettis’s master say he was known as
Clemain Astural, the Sight Shepherd, and that he was
a powerful arcanist who peered into a realm beyond the
planes in search of power to end the war that ravaged his
world. He found it, and thought it would serve him. He
was wrong.
Astural’s sanity crumbled, but his power only grew,
fueled by an foul entity he called the Sightless One. As
devastation crept across southeastern Tal’Dorei, heroes
of the land rode to Wrettis to end Astural’s chaotic reign,
destroy his tower, and bury his corpse in the rubble. Wret-
tis is now a moss-coated ruin, but some chambers within
and below the tower still hold secrets, as well as creations,
of the mad mage.
Small City • Population: 6,670
(92% Dark Elf, 5% Deep Gnome, 3% Other)
If you stumble upon carved arches and steel gates in the
mountain slopes, do not rest there, no matter the cold.
There are no welcoming dwarf-halls among these for-
saken peaks.
Deep below the surface world, countless caverns and
tunnels wind into regions where light finds no purchase.
It is here, beneath the Stormcrest Mountains, that the
largest subterranean society of dark elves maintains its
tyranny. Hidden entrances riddle not just the mountain
range, but the Dreamseep, and darker regions of the Ver-
dant Expanse, allowing hunting and raiding parties quick
and easy access to the surface under cover of night, slaugh-
tering many, enslaving the rest, and taking the spoils as
gifts to the Spider Queen.
This twisted network of tunnels are easily collapsed and
reopened through the use of “Pit Witches”, dark elf druids
who master the art of rock and dirt manipulation, making
it near impossible to give chase. Syngorn is ever alert and
seeking a way to find and destroy this center of dark elf
society on Tal’Dorei, but the sly and cunning ways of
Ruhn-Shak have yet to meet a match.
ruhn-shaK aDventures
sl av es of the spiDer-qUeen
For mid-level characters: While traversing the Storm-
crest Mountains, the party plunges into a deep pit as the
seemingly-solid stone all around them gives way. Badly
pummeled by the fall, they are set upon by a hunting
party of dark elves to be taken captive. If captured, the
adventurers are taken to the slave markets of the dark
elves’ city and must plot their escape, perhaps with the
aid of their fellow captives. If they overcome the dark elf
ambush, they must still find their way out of the maze
of underground tunnels created by the Pit Witches, who
have sealed off the way through which the characters fell
into the dark.
The aSTural SCrollS
Clemain Astural covered thousands of pages of parchment with his writings, ranging from alchemical formulas to
powerful spells to esoteric star charts... but his later notes descend into paranoid, half-crazed ramblings. One of the
heroes that killed Astural, a wizard named Atz Yuminor, took as many of the scrolls as he could find and brought
them back to his house in the Dividing Plains. Yuminor’s bloodline continues in Estella Ladimar, headmistress of the
Westhall Academy in Westruun, and many of the Astural Scrolls are kept secretly by the Scions of Yuminor in the
academy’s observatory.