Tyrants, the. A criminal organization
primarily comprised of changelings and
doppelgangers. Associated with forgery,
blackmail, and fraud. +PIX\MZ
Twelve. An organization that facilitates
communication and cooperation between the
Dragonmarked Houses. +PIX\MZ
Undying Court. The council of deathless
elves that guides and protects the elves of
Aerenal. As a source of divine power, often
associated with the Grave, Knowledge, and Light
domains. +PIX\MZ
Valenar. 1. A nation in southeastern
Khorvaire. Established by elf mercenaries who
seized the territory from Cyre. 2. One of the elves
who seized this region. Valenar elves known for
their devotion to the arts of war. +PIX\MZ
Wandslinger. Someone who uses an arcane
focus as a primary weapon. NPC wandslingers
typically know 2 cantrips, and up to three
additional cantrips or spells. +PIX\MZ
Warforged. A race of sentient golems created
by House Cannith during the Last War. The
Treaty of Thronehold granted freedom to
the warforged and forbid the creation of new
warforged. +PIX\MZ
Xoriat. The plane of madness. +PIX\MZ
YK. “Year of the Kingdom.” A calendar
abbreviation used to mark the foundation of
the Kingdom of Galifar. By default, an Eberron
campaign begins in 998 YK. +PIX\MZ
Xen’drik. A continent in Eberron. Once
home to an empire of giants, it’s now a nation of
ruins and mysteries. +PIX\MZ.
Zilargo. A nation in the southern Khorvaire.
Primarily populated by gnomes. Known for
elemental binding and the pursuit of knowledge.