waterdeep dragon heist

(Jeff_L) #1

of this approach is that characters can choose to go
quietly or resist. The drawback is that the encounter
might devolve into a fight-or-flight situation, leading to
one or more characters becoming fugitives. If the party
includes one or more characters who aren't lawfuJ, such
an outcome is likely. To mitigate this drawback, you
might allow fugitive characters to forge alliances with
NPCs who can help clear their names.
If the threat of arrest becomes tedious, you can switch
to the second approach, which is to merely inform the
players that one or more characters have been arrested.
You can describe the arrest, the subsequent detention,
and the events leading up to the trial. The drawback to
this approach is that player characters have no control
over the situation. (This sense of helplessness has the
virtue of being realistic, if not fun.) To mitigate this
drawback, you might allow characters to make ability
checks to influence the outcome; for example, a success-
ful Charisma (Persuasion) check might enable a charac-
ter to bribe an official or sow enough doubt in the mind
of a magistrate to have the case thrown out.

Important NPCs in the adventure are given names, but
many of the secondary NPCs aren't named. Xanathar's
Guide to Everything contains an appendix of tables you
can use to randomly generate names for human and non-
human NPCs if you have trouble coming up with names
on your own.


Character Creation

If your players are creating 1st-le vel characters for this
adve nture, consider setting aside the first game session
for character creation. That way, the players can flesh
out their adventuring party together and come up with
reasons why their characters are frie nds.

The Yawning Portal is a popular adventurers' ha ngout.
Unless you have a better idea. assume that the charac-
ters arc familiar with the establishment and have met
there before. If any of the characters are new to the city,
they can be drawn to the Yawning Portal by its reputa-
tion or summoned there by Volo.
To make the Yawning Portal feel like a familiar, wel-
coming place, give the players a copy of the Yawning
Portal Familiar Faces handout in appendix C and allow
each player to select one NPC as a friendly acquain-
tance. Additional information about these NPCs can be
found at the end of this introduction.

All the equipment in chapter 5 of the Player's Handbook
is available for purchase in Waterdeep at normal prices.

Players looking for background options beyond those
described in the Player's Handbook can find several ap-
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