suspect in several local disappearances. she darkened
his doorstep in 1379 DR. the Year of the Lost Keep.
Annoyed by this invasion of his privacy and not in his
right mind, Duhlark captured Lady Gondafrey, used a
spell to meld her form with that of a gargoyle, and im-
prisoned her.
If the gargoyle travels with the party, roll a dlO each
day at dawn. On a roll of 1, Lady Gondafrey's alignment
becomes chaotic evil for 24 hours as the gargoyle's in-
nate demeanor exerts itself. In this state, the creature
tries to orchestrate the characters' deaths, going so far
as to attack lone characters.
This room contains the following features:
- Furnishings include four beds, a small table with four
chairs, and tattered window curtains.
Four Zhent thugs relax here-one trying to rest, two
others playing cards, and the fourth sitting on the
edge of a bed, re-stringing a heavy crossbow.
The thugs work for Manshoon and leap up to attack
anyone they don't recognize as one of their own. A suc-
cessful DC 17 Charisma (Deception) check convinces
these Zhents that the characters are their allies.
Treasure. Resting in small piles and neat stacks on
the table are 74 cp, 52 sp, 19 gp, and 4 taols.
This room is connected to the levels above and below by
invisible staircases (see .. Kolat Towers Features," page
149), one descending^20 feet to area Kll and the other
climbing^20 feet to area K16. This area contains the fol-
low ing features:
- A 10-foot-diameter circle of runes has been drawn on
the floor in blood that is now dried. Smoke billows
from four iron braziers placed around the circle.
Three apprentice wizards (see appendix B) stand out-
side the circle, chanting an incantation. A barlgura is
slumped motionless within the circle.
The three wizards here are Manshoon's apprentices-
Ered Payno (LE male Damaran human), Havi Termock
(CE female Chondathan human), and Savara Firethorn
(NE female Tethyrian human). Each wears a teleporter
ring (see "Teleporter Rings," page 157). The magical
incantation that the three are reciting has quelled the
barlgura and rendered it unconscious. If any of them
stop chanting, the demon awakes and becomes enraged,
though it remains bound within the circle. Whenever it
takes damage, the barlgura can attempt a DC^10 Cha-
risma check. On a successful check, it breaks out of the
circle and atcacks any creature it can reach.
Freeing the barlgura disrupts Manshoon's operation,
forcing the wizard to spend time and resources defeat-
ing the fiend and replacing s lain underlings.
The invisible staircase from area K 15 ends i o front of
a closed door. The door is unlocked and opens into the
room, which contains the following:
- Bits of clay, stone, bone, and metal litter the floor and
cover a wooden table in the middle of the room.- The floor creaks and tilts slightly when stepped on,
and it can be seen to be detached from the walls. Two
oversized iron clamps on opposite sides of the room
hold the floor in place. Each of these rusty mecha-
nisms is attached to an iron lever. - A wooden staircase once climbed^20 feet to the next
level, but it has partially collapsed.
The Kolat brothers once crafted constructs in this
workshop. The magical clamped tloor was built as a pre-
caution in case one of the experiments went berserk.
When a creature that doesn't work for Manshoon's
Zhentar im enters this room without being escorted, the
metal scraps on the floor fly together, forming a suit of
animated armor that attacks. When the armor is re-
duced to^10 hit points or fewer. it tries to pull one of the
levers on its next turn.
Floor Clamps. Pulling a lever is an action that causes
both clamps to release the floor, which is then magically
driven upward into the ceiling. Creatures standing on
the floor are knocked prone and must make a DC^20
Dexterity saving throw as they slam into the ceiling,
taking 22 (4dl0) bludgeoning damage on a failed save,
or half as much damage on a successful one. The floor
then settles a few feet below the ceiling, cutting off ac-
cess to the stairs down to area KlS but leaving charac-
te rs free to climb up t he collapsed staircase to area K17.
(The magical floor was designed to prevent a berserk
golem from reaching the lower chambers of the towers,
and potentially the city beyond, while the Kolat brothers
dealt with it.) After 10 minutes, the floor descends to its
normal level and the clamps lock it down again.
Partially Collapsed S tairs. A creature can climb
the stairs to area K17 with a successful DC 10 Dexter-
ity (Acrobatics) check. If the check fails, the creature
falls 10 feet.
- The floor creaks and tilts slightly when stepped on,
This unlit hallway contains the following features:
Any character who inspects the hall for traps and suc-
ceeds on a DC 17 Wisdom (Perception) check notices
I-inch-diameter holes drilled into the walls at ankle
height, set at regular intervals along the length of
the passage.
- A flesh golem stands in front of the door lo area K18.
- A one-way secret door is set into the innermost wall.
Golem Trap. The flesh golem was created by Duh lark
Kolat. Manshoon chose to leave it here and instructed
his lieutenants not to disturb it. It moves to attack
anyone other than Duhlark who approaches within IO
feet of it. A character disguised as Duhlark (using the
statue in area KIO as a model) can fool the golem with a
successful DC 10 Charisma (Deception) check.
The golem stands on a pressure plate. When it steps
off the plate to attack someone out of its reach, the
weight on the plate is lifted, causing poison gas to erupt
from the holes in the walls. When the trap triggers, each
creature in the haJI must make a DC^12 Constitution
saving throw, taking 10 (3d6) poison damage on a failed
saving throw, or half as much damage on a successful
one. The gas lingers for 1 minute unless dispersed with
a gust of wind spell or similar magic. While the gas