waterdeep dragon heist

(Jeff_L) #1
In the middle of this otherwise empty room is a stone
pillar carved with a small symbol: a perfect circle with
ten equidistant spokes radiating outward from its cir-
cumference. In the middle of this circle is a smaller cir-
cular indentation that bears a passing resemblance to a
lidless eye.

If the stone eye in Nibiloor's possession is pressed into
the circ ular indentation, an opaque black doorway mag-
ically opens in the south wall. The opening is 8 feet tall
and 4 feet wide. Any creature t hat passes through it ap-
pears in area X22 of Xanathar's lair (see chapter 5). The
door is a one-way portal, and it closes again 1 minute
after the stone eye is removed from the pillar.

The secret door is plainly vis ible to anyone who ap-
proaches it from the east.

A narrow passage leads to the cellar of a halfling-owned
hostel on Spices Street in the Dock Ward. Medium char-
acters must squeeze co reach this area from the tunnel.
The hostel is used as a base by the Shard Shunners. a
gang of ha I fling wererats. They are aware of the Xana-
thar Guild hideout, and the two gangs are tenuous allies.
Roscoe Underbough, a Shard S hunne r in hybrid form,
guards the cellar. He hides in the northwest storeroom,
ready to jump out and scare away anyone who heads for
the stairs. Not eager to commit murder, Roscoe allows
retreating characte rs to Ree back to the sewers. He is a
we rerat. with these changes:
Roscoe is Small and has 27 (6d6 + 6) hit points.
He has these racial traits: He can move through the
space of a Medium or larger c reature. He has ad-
vantage on saving throws against being frightened.
He speaks Common and Halfling, and he knows
thieves' cant.

If the characters defeat Roscoe or s lip past him, they
can make thei r way up into the hostel, which caters to a
mostly halfling clientele. With none of the other Shard
S hunne rs curre ntly present. the characters are greeted
warmly by staff a nd patrons, who point them in the di-
rection of the nearest bathhouse.

Completing Volo's Quest

Returning to the Yawning Portal with Floon Blagmaar
in tow marks the e nd of this introductory quest. All that
re mains is for the characters to collect th eir reward.


Volo is drinking alone in the Yawning Portal while anx-
iously awaiting news of Floon's fate. He springs up and
runs to embrace the characters and his friend as soon
as he sees them.


If the characters reunite Volo with Floon. Volo gives
them a rather sheepish look as he explains their reward:

" I confess that I have but few coins to spare. But never
let it be said that Volo reneges on a promise. Allow me to
present something much more valuable." He holds out
a scroll tube. ''The deed to a remarkable property here in
Waterdeep! We'll need a magistrate to witness the trans-
fer of ownership. I'll arrange a meeting with one after
you've inspected the estate and deemed it satisfactory."

The tube contains a deed to Trollskull Manor, a historic
building in the North Ward that the characters can
claim as a home base. The deed has been notarized and
appears legitimate (because it is). Volo recently bought
the property because it is rumored to be haunted, and he
was hoping that investigating it might yield a chapte r for
his next book. Volos Guide to Spirits and Specters.
lf the characters accept their reward, Volo sets up a
meeting with a tiefting magistrate named Kylynne Sil-
merhelve. The brief session takes place at a courthouse
in the Castle Ward at highsun. Magistrate Silmerhelve
witnesses the transfer of the deed, rendering the new
ownership official, with the impatience of one who has
more important matters to attend to. S he also collects
an estate transfer tax of 25 gp, which is normally paid
by the new owners. If the characters can't afford this fee
or don't want to pay it and they have befriended Renaer
Nevere mber, be makes sure that Volo has a pouch of
coins to cover the expense.

Volo, Floon. and Renaer all express their gratitude
through camaraderie. If the characters need to call upon
their new friends for an occasional favor, any of them
are happy to oblige. F loon has little to offer the charac-
ters, but friendship with Volo and Renaer has its perks.
Volo knows the best places to ear and find merrime nt.
He can also give characters a tour ofWaterdeep. lf
the characters accept his offer, share the information
in chapter 9, "Volo's Waterdeep Enchiridion," with
the players.
Although Renaer is estranged from his rich and pow-
erful father, he still has friends in high places. including
Harpers who can come to the characters' rescue if they
need it. If the characters are looking for an audience
with influential persons in Waterdeep, Renaer can set
up meetings with Mirt, Rema Ilia Haventree (see ap-
pendix B for both), or just a bout any othe r Waterdavian
noble, if he thinks the characters will comport them-
selves well.

Level Advancement

If you're using milestone level advancement instead of
tracking experience points, the characters advance from
1st to 2nd level when they return to Volo after having
explored the Xanathar Guild hideout.
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