waterdeep dragon heist

(Jeff_L) #1
cessful DC 15 Wisdom (l nsight} c heck, ascertain that
these s pies are paying particula r a tte ntion to the activi-
ties of t he drow party members.

If the party reports the drow to t he City Watch,Jarlaxle
e nds the surveilla nce a nd breaks off all contact with the
c ha racte rs for the time being.
On t he other hand, if t he cha racters try to confront
th e drow s pies, they avoid contact but leave beh ind a
black eye patch as a calling card. The next day,Jarlaxle
Baenre (see appendix B) shows up at t he pa rty's
headquarte rs, using his hat of disguise to appear as a
haberdashe r named J.B. Nevercott. I n this guise, he
asks to s peak privately wit h drow c haracte rs who he
thinks might make suitable Brcgan D'ae rt he recruits.
Only drow are given serious conside ration, butjarlaxle
doesn' t ca re if they' re ma le or female. As a test, he offe rs
the m their first mission.
Jarlaxle is a cons umma te actor who ne ver lets down
his guard. Eve n if the c ha racte rs discern his true ide n-
tity, he ne ve r admits to being anything other than wha t
he pretends to be.

Party Level




Mission Brief
"Outlying farms are being terrorized by a
scarecrow come to life. It has slaughtered live·
stock, chased horses, and spooked farmers.
No people have been killed as yet, so the City
Guard is dragging its heels. Something must
be done!"

"Sir Ambrose Everdawn, a grizzled old cham-
pion of Kelemvor, has offered to help the City
Guard catch a necromancer who's stealing
bones from the City of the Dead and animating
them as skeletons. Sir Ambrose could use your
help, if you're not too busy."

"Doppelgangers threaten the balance of power
in Waterdeep. Rumor has it a group of them
are hiding in the Yawning Portal. Root them
out and rid the city of them if you can."
"The Xanathar Guild is releasing monsters
to distract the City Watch and the City Guard
while its members stir up trouble elsewhere.
The authorities are having trouble catching
and killing a flying horror known as a grell.
This aberration was latest seen snatching up
an old woman in the Dock Ward. Unless we
intervene, she won't be the last."

T he Emerald Enclave takes an interest in characters
who seek to preserve the balance wit hin Waterdeep
(partic ularly clerics of nature, druids, a nd range rs). Any
s uch character is vis ited by a white cat that speaks the
following message in a melodious male voice:


" Interested in joining the Emerald Enclave? Come meet I
us at Phaulkonmere in the Southern Ward."

T he cat is an ordinary animal upon which an animal
messenger s pell was cast. h dashes away after delive r-
ing its invitation.

The characters' main contact in t he Eme rald Enclave
is Melannor Fellbranch, the friendly but humorless
grounds keepe r of Phaulkonme re, a compound located
one block south of Kolat Towe rs (see c hapter 8). Phaul-
konme re is owned by the Tarm and Phaulkon noble
families. Melannor delivers missions by way of animal
messenger s pells and is pa rtia l to using cats and pi-
geons as couriers. He quickly assigns ne w me mbe rs
t heir firs t mission.

Mission Requirements and Reward
Not one but three scarecrows are terrorizing Undercliff. One wears
a sackcloth hood, another has a rotting pumpkin head, and the
third is covered with a threadbare blanket. Characters who camp in
a field for the better part of a day or night have a^10 percent chance
of encountering one of the scarecrows. The attacks continue until
all three scarecrows are destroyed. Reward: Each Emerald Enclave
character gains l renown for ending the threat.
Convincing Ambrose Everdawn (LG male human Tethyrian knight)
that t he party intends to help requires a successful DC^13 Charisma
(Persuasion) check. If the check succeeds, Sir Ambrose asks the
party to patrol the southern half of the cemetery for ten consecutive
night s while he patrols the north half. The characters have a cumu·
lative^10 percent chance each night of encountering six skeletons,
but there's no sign of the necromancer who animated them. Once
the skeletons are destroyed, no further encounters occur. After a
tenday, Sir Ambrose r eleases the characters from service. Reward:
Each Emerald Enclave character gains^1 renown. Each party mem-
ber who patrolled the cemetery for all ten nights receives^100 gp.
The characters need to confront "Bonnie" the doppelganger and,
with a successful DC^15 Charisma (Intimidation or Persuasion)
check, convince her to leave Waterdeep and take her gang with her.
Reward: Each Emerald Enclave character gains^2 renown.
Locating the grell requires a successful DC^18 Intelligence (lnves·
tigation) check followed by a successful DC^18 Wisdom (Survival)
check. Each check, whethe r successful or not, represents l hour of
gathering information o r tracking spoor. In fact, there are two grells.
One grell tries to flee if the other is killed. Reward: Each Emerald
Enclave character gains 2 renown. )eryth bestows a charm of hero·
ism (see "Supernatural Gifts" in chapter^7 of the Dungeon Master's
Guide) on each party member who helped slay the grells.

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