waterdeep dragon heist

(Jeff_L) #1




When this encounter begins. either the characters have
the Stone of Go!orr in their clutches. in which case
they're jumped as they move through an alley near the
tower-or it was taken from them by Xanathar's gazer
spies, in which case they catch up with the gazers in the
alley before the creatures can descend into the sewers.

Choose five squares on the map. These squares con-
tain deep puddles of muddy water. Hidden within each
puddle is a spring-loaded bear trap. A creature that has
a passive Perception score of 13 or higher spots a trap
before accidentally stepping in it.
Any creature that steps into a trap's square must
make a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed
save, the creature takes^3 (ld6) slashing damage as
the trap snaps shut around its ankle. and the creature
is restrained until the trap is removed. As an action, a
creature can try to pry open the trap. doing so with a
successful DC 12 Strength (Athletics) check.

The characters enter the alley followed by eight kobolds
disguised as children wearing troll masks. A bugbea r
named Morga and an intellect devoure r hide in a door-
way halfway down the alley and can be spotted with a
successful DC 16 Wisdom (Perception) check.
When the characters reach Morga's hiding spot, the
bugbear and the kobolds attack. The intellect devourer



1 square = 5 feet


stays hidden and tries to take control of a character.
Given the chance, Morga tries to shove a character into
the nearest trap. If these creatures obtain the stone. they
bring it to Xanathar in its lair (see chapter 5).

If a character becomes attuned to the Stone ofGolorr,
it reveals the location of the Vault of Dragons, below
a theater in the Castle Ward called the Pink Flumph.
and the three keys that are needed to enter it. When the
characters are ready to visit the location, proceed with
encounter 6, "Theater."

The characters begin this encounter on the rooftops
overlooking the alley. If any characters went to ground
during the rooftop chase, start them at one end of the
alley instead.

Parked in the middle of the alley is a hire-coach pulled
by two draft horses. The driver. Haru Hamatori (LG
male Kozakuran human commoner), wears a feathered
cap and matching outfit.
Lord Cassalanter's doppelganger valet. in the guise of
an elderly tiefling named Willifort Crowelle, sits in the
passenger cab, which grants half cover. Standing next to
the hire-coach is a bearded de vil disguised as a cloaked
human bodyguard wearing a wide-brimmed hat, and
perched on the coach are three invisible imps. Any
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