waterdeep dragon heist

(Jeff_L) #1

spined devils that survived the previous encounter are
also present, having just delivered the Stone ofGolorr to
Willi fort.
When he sees the characters, Willi fort orders the
imps and the spined devils to attack. The bearded devil
stays close to Willi fort and engages any character who
tries to reach the hire-coach.
The hire-coach has AC 14,^45 hit points, and immunity
to poison and psychic damage.
If there's any chance that the characters might obtain
the Stone o!Golorr as the encounter progresses, Willi-
fort orders the driver to move the hire-coach out of the
alley as quickly as possible. Tf the driver is incapacitated
or killed. the bearded devil climbs into the driver's seat
on the back of the coach and steers the vehicle. If che
bearded devil is unable to replace the driver, the doppel-
ganger takes the reins. Willifort Rees on foot if the hire-
coach is destroyed or its horses are unable to move.

If Willi fort escapes and the characters pursue him, pro-
ceed with encounter 3, ''Street Chase."

The characters' quest for the Stone of Golorr first leads
them to Fenerus Stormcastle, a lamplighter who rents a
small house in the Trades Ward (area Ll).

The characters enter the alley from either end. Deter-
mine their marching order. then read the following text
once they reach the alley's midpoint:

A cart laden with apples comes careening toward you
from the opposite direction, rolling downhill. Riding on
the cart is a tieAing boy with an eye patch, screaming at
the top of his lungs. "Look out!" he shouts.

A character in the path of the apple cart must succeed
on a DC^10 Dexterity saving throw or be struck for^5
(2d4) bludgeoning damage and knocked prone. A char-
acter can forgo the Dexterity saving throw and try to
stop the cart bodily, doing so with a successful DC^15
Strength saving throw. On a failed save, the character is
struck by the cart and falls prone as it continues to roll.
After plowing through the party, the cart Hips on its side.
sending apples tumbling down the alley. The tiefiing boy
is thrown from the cart but not seriously hurt.
The boy is one of three street urchins who teamed up
to steal the apple cart from a nearby street corner. The
other two children lost control of the cart at the crest
of the alley before they could hop on. They catch up to
their friend after the crash, make sure he's all right, and
then apologize profusely to anyone who was hurt. The
urchins, harmless troublemakers, are detailed in the
sidebar ''The Three Urchins."
If they are asked about Fenerus, the children know
who he is. They describe him as a big man with graying
hair who looks like he has been in many fights, based

on "the scars he wears on his face." They know nothing
more about him, other than that he lives alone.
If the characters don't frighten them away, the chil-
dren loiter around the alley, eating apples and picking
through garbage piles.

The door to Fenerus's house stands open, and the place
has been ransacked. Painted in blood on the kirchen
wall is a circle with ten equidistant lines radiating out-
ward from its circumference: the sign of Xanathar. A
thorough search accompanied by a successful DC^12
Wisdom (Perception) check reveals small pools of blood
on the kitchen floor. A successful check also verifies that
the blood on the floor and wall is fresh.

Fenerus Stormcastle was the founder of the Blood
Hawk Posse, a gang of horse-riding brigands that, to
this day. harries travelers on the road to Amphail. When
he was drummed out of the gang after a botched raid,
Fenerus ''retired" to Waterdeep and joined the Guild of
Chandlers and Lamplighters.
Until recently, Fenerus supplemented his income by
spying for the city ofLuskan and providing his contacts
with information on the political climate in Waterdeep,
as well as ju icy bits of news overheard on his nightly
rounds through the Trades Ward. He has no clue that
his contacts are drow members of Bregan D'aerthe,
since they wear cloaks and keep co the shadows.
Agents of the Lords' Alliance recently labeled Fenerus
as a wanted brigand and notified the Lords ofWater-
deep, who sent the City Watch to arrest him. Fenerus
had the good sense to hide the Stone of Golorr else-
where and hopes to use it as leverage to gain his free-
dom as well as forgiveness for past crimes.
Shortly after Fener us's arrest, drow agents of Bregan
D'aerthe showed up to collecr the stone and were way-
laid by invisible duergar hiding in the alley. The duergar
were members of the Xanathar Guild that had been sent
by Nar'l Xibrindas (see appendix B) to retrieve the stone.
After searching Fenerus's home and finding nothing,
they were waiting for Fenerus to return when the drow
showed up. The drow barely got away with their lives.

Before the characters leave the alley,Jarlaxle Baenre
(see appendix B) uses his hat of disguise to approach

Three street urchins, described below, appear in several of
this chapter's scenes:
Nat is a lanky, 10-year-old deafllluskan girl with a wooden
toy sword. She is the leader of the group and communi-
cates using a sign language that she invented and taught
to her friends.
Jenks is a portly 9-year-old Turami boy with a cloak, a toy
wand, and a stuffed owlbear "familiar." He's shy around
strangers but brave when it comes to helping his friends.
Squiddly is a slim 9·year-old tiefling boy with an eye patch,
a small bow, and a quiver of toy arrows. He rarely thinks
before he talks or acts.

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