waterdeep dragon heist

(Jeff_L) #1

Xanathar has learned where he is being kept. Any bug-
bears that survived the initial a ttack tr y to rescue Ott,
while Avareen and Zorbog do their best to fight them off.
If Ott is set free, he runs back to the waiting eyestalks of
his insane beholder master. Characters who follow him
are led straight to Xanathar's lair (see chapter 5).

Any characters within 10 feet of the Zhents' front door
can make a DC 14 Wisdom (Perception) c heck. Those
who succeed on the check hear a mocking laugh above
the howling wind and glimpse a cloaked figure on a
nearby roof, darting away through the blizzard. If the
characters chase after this figure, proceed with encoun-
ter 5, "Rooftop Chase."

Encounter 2: Mistshore

Mistshore is a run-down Dock Ward neighborhood
that reeks of fish and scorched timber. A fire swept
through the area a little over a year ago, and most of
the buildings are now burned-out shells with (at best)
sails for roofs. Fishing poles and nets line the dock, and
the 15-foot-deep water is covered by a thick layer of ice
during the winter.


Mistshore is a riotous assemblage of ramshackle homes
made of wood from old ships and inhabited by impov-
erished Waterdavians. Several buildings were reduced

1 square = 5 feet

to ash by the fire last year. Although some were rebuilt,
others were ruined beyond repair and are now used as
roofless dens by homeless children and rats.
The following locations are keyed to map 4.2.

The Kraken's Folly is a beached pirate s hip that some
resi dents of Mistshore use as a tenement. At any given
time, 4d6 bandits loiter on deck, hoping that someone
who needs muscle will offer them work. These ruffians
live in the rat-infested cabins belowdecks. They are will-
ing to come to the aid of anyone who asks- for a price.
Each demands 1 gp to get involved in a fight or create a
distraction on behalf of their employer.

A mad treasure hunter named Grinda Garloth (CN
female Illuskan human mage who speaks Common,
Dwarvish, Halfting, and Undercommon) lives here. Her
ramshackle home contains an unmade bed, an alche-
mist's laboratory, a small stove, a coat rack, a table, a
stool, a stuffed chair in poor condition, a wash basin,
and a locked wooden sea chest with a glyph of warding
spell cast on it. Grinda carries the key, and the glyph
triggers an explosive runes effect (see the s pell descrip-
tion in the Player's Handbook) if anyone other than
Grinda lifts the lid of the chest.
Chest. Grinda's chest contains a heavy iron key that
locks and unlocks the Garloth family mausoleum in the
City of the Dead (see "Mistshore: Spring" below).

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