waterdeep dragon heist

(Jeff_L) #1

Once they have the stone, the street urchins quickly
lose themselves in the crowd. If Willifort the doppel-
ganger is still around, he tries to slip away, believing he
still bas the stone. The imp, if present, turns invisible
and circles above the crowd in a futile attempt to find
the stone.
A character can use an action to search the crowded
street by making a DC 17 Wisdom (Perception) check.
On a successful check, the character spots an iron
grate in the street that wasn't closed properly. Lifting it
reveals an iron ladder that descends 10 feet to an under-
ground sewer tunnel. Characters who lower themselves
into the tunnel can hear the sounds of splashing water
and children's voices in the distance and might decide to
follow them. (The children are holding hands in the dark
and being guided by Squiddly, who has darkvision.)

If the characters follow the street urchins into the sewer,
proceed with encounter 9, "Cellar Complex."

After leaving the theater, the characters resume their
pursuit of the elusive Zhent spy, Vevette Blackwater (CE
female Tethyrian human swashbuckler; see appendix
B). She leads them on a merry chase through snowy
streets until she is finally caught or until the characters
give up the chase. She starts 30 feet away from the char-
acters. If forced to make an ability check or saving throw
because of a chase complication, she has advantage on
the roll. Also, she can use the Dash action during the
chase without having to make Constitution checks to
avoid exhaustion.

If she is caught, Vevette surrenders. She's counting on
the law to protect her from serious harm, and she knows
she has done nothing to warrant arrest. Vevette no lon-
ger has the Stone ofGolorr, after parting with it back in
the theater. She doesn't willingly divulge who has the
stone, though the characters can pry the information
from her us ing a charm person spell or similar magic.
If the characters return to the theater, Remallia
Haventree (see appendix 8) waves them over and tells
them that she saw two people exit the theater shortly
after they did and then depart together in a hire-coach
shortly thereafter. One of them is a bard named Agorn
Fuoco, the other a woman unknown to Lady Haventree.
Both Remallia and Vevette know that Agorn spends
time around the dangerous dockside neighborhood of

Proceed with encounter 2, "Mistshore."

Encounter 4: Mausoleum

The City of the Dead is a public park dotted with mauso-
leums. The place is closed at night, with two City Guard
soldiers (guards) stationed at each e ntry gate. A charac-
ter can slip over a wall undetected with a successful DC
15 Dexterity (Stealth) check.

At dusk, hundreds of driftglobes make their way from
the inhabited part of the city and congregate in the City
of the Dead. They spend the night here, then disperse
and return to the waking city at dawn-for a reason no
one knows.
Sir Ambrose Everdawn (LG male human Tethyrian
knight), an aging servant of Kelemvor (god of the dead),
patrols the cemetery from sunset to sunrise, chasing off
grave robbers and making sure the dead stay buried.
Characters who creep around the cemetery in the dark
have a 30 percent chance of running into him. If that
happens, he escorts them out and alerts the City Guard
if they refuse to leave.

Rooms in the mausoleum have 8-foot-high ceilings, with
6-foot-high passages and doorways connecting them.
The following locations are keyed to map 4.3.

Unless the text of an encounter says otherwise, the
stone double door to the mausoleum is locked. The lock
can be picked by a character who makes a successful
DC 15 Dexterity check using thieves' tools, or the door
can be forced open w ith a successful DC 25 Strength
(Athletics) check.
Inside, a family emblem is emblazoned on the floor
between four ostentatious marble coffins. The coffins,
engraved with the names of those interred within, con-
tain nothing but dust and bones.

Empty sconces adorn the walls. Cobwebs and dust indi-
cate that no one has tended to this place in a long time.
Stone coffins in alcoves contain dust and bones.

This encounter begins when the characters come to the
Garloth mausoleum seeking the Stone ofGolorr. The
double door to the mausoleum is open when they arrive.
Earlier, Grinda Garloth's rat familiar arrived to find
the mausoleum open and grave robbers inside. They
killed the rat, took the stone, and fled along with the
skeletal remains of Grinda's ancestors. Characters who
search the plundered c rypts find neither the rat nor the
stone, but they do find a clue left behind by one of the
grave robbers (see "Crypt Clue" below). As the char-
acters make their way out, Xanathar Guild members
attack them in an attempt to retrieve the stone.

Characters who search the underground crypts can find
a shiny steel key lying in the dust on the floor. One of the
grave robbers dropped it while looting the crypts.
The characters can take the key to the Metal House
of Wonders, the guildhall of the Splendid Order of Ar-
morers, Locksmiths, and Finesmiths in the Dock Ward,
or to any local locksmith. ln either place, someone can
identify the key as the handiwork of a dwarf locksmith
in the Trades Ward named Elaspra Ulmarr. Characters
who visit Elaspra's shop can learn from her that she
made a key for a client who bought one of he r excellent

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