waterdeep dragon heist

(Jeff_L) #1

mausoleum is sealed tight, and the name BRANDATH
is etched above its entrance. Large elm and birch trees
grow around the structure, sheltering it as best they can
with their leafless boughs.

The largest tree growing in front of the entrance is a
treant. It awakens when one or more creatures ap-
proach the entrance and growls, "Only those of Bran-
dath blood are welcome here! Begone!" The treant is
particularly surly, it being winter and all.
If someone other than a Brandath descendant tries to
open the mausoleum, the treant animates two nearby
trees and then attacks. The treant and its animated al-
lies are too big to enter the mausoleum.
The characters can kill the treant, try to s lip past it, or
retreat until they learn more about the Brandath family.
A day's research followed by a successful DC 10 Intelli-
gence (Investigation) check reveals that the characters
know one such person: Renaer Neverember. If they ask
Renaer to admit them to the Brandath family mauso-
leum, he agrees to do so. Because the treant can sense
that Renaer has Brandath blood in his veins, it allows
him and those he calls his friends to enter unmolested,
and says to Renaer in passing, "Your mother was a
lovely person."

A glyph of warding spell has been cast on the first step
leading down to the underground level, set to trigger
when a humanoid creature passes over the step. The


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1 square = 5 feet

glyph can't be spotted unless the dust on the floor is
cleared away by a gust of wind spell or some other
means. Once the dust is swept aside, a character who
searches the stairs notices the glyph with a s uccessful
DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check.
If the glyph is triggered, it erupts with magical fire in
a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on it. The fire spreads
around corners. Each c reature in the area must make
a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 22 (5d8) fire
damage on a failed saving throw, or half as much dam-
age on a successful one. The glyph disappears after it is

A detect magic spell reveals an aura of transmutation
that emanates from one of the stone coffins on the un-
derground level. This crypt contains the shattered bones
of Uld Brandath, a Waterdavian magister who died in
a freak accident decades ago. (A gargoyle broke off the
corner of a government building and fell on Uld, c rush-
ing him.) Guarding his remains are six c rawling claws
made from the hands of murderers who were sentenced
to death by Uld. These undead hands spring out and at-
tack when the lid is lifted or shoved aside.
Treasure. Lying amid the bones is Uld's headband
of intel/ect, which the characters can retrieve once the
crawling claws are dealt with.

The collapsed eastern end of the underground level is
actually an illusion that conceals an intact, 10-foot-wide

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