waterdeep dragon heist

(Jeff_L) #1

passage way that s lopes down. The cha racte rs can walk
right through the illus ion, whic h has no s ubstance, a nd
a dispel magic s pell destroys it. The tunnel we nds down-
ward for several hundred feet, gradually wide ning to 20
feet where it ends at the doors to the Vault of Dragons.

d20 Complication
You come to a 10-foot-wide gap between rooftops.
You can jump over the gap if your Stre ngth is 10 or
higher (each foot you clear costs 1 foot of move-
ment), and you must succeed on a DC 10 Dexter-
ity (Acrobatics) check or fall prone on the far roof-
top. Or you can cross the gap using a 10-foot·long
rope line that stretches between the two rooftops;
each foot of rope line costs 2 feet of movement.
2 You come to a rooftop t ha t's 10 feet h igher than
t h e one you're on. Make a DC 10 St rength (At hlet-
ics) check. O n a failed check, the h eight c ha nge
counts as 10 feet of difficult terrain.
3 You come to a rooftop that's 10 feet lower than
the one you're on. Make a DC 10 Strength (Athlet-
ics) check to jump down safely. On a failed check,
you take damage from the fall and land prone.
4 A roof i s s lippery. Make a DC 10 Dexterit y saving
throw. On a failed save , y o u fall p rone.
5 You step on a rotten section of roof, and it col-
lapses underneath you. Make a DC 15 Dexterity
saving th row. On a failed save, you fall partway
into the hole in the roof and become stuck. While
stuck, you are prone and restrained. You can use
an action on your turn to make a DC l 0 Strength
(Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check, ending
the effect on a success.
6 Roo f shingles or tiles g ive way as yo u s tep o n
them. Ma ke a DC 15 Dexterit y saving t hrow. On a
failed save, you fall p ro ne an d slide 10 feet b ack.
7 A rooftop protuberance such as a chimney or
weather vane gets in your way. Make a DC l 0 Dex-
terity (Acrobatics) check. On a failed check, the
obstacle counts as 5 feet of difficult terrain.
8 You s ta rtle a flock of birds nesting on the ro o ftop,
a nd they flutter all a round you. Make a DC 10
Dexterity saving th row. O n a failed save, the birds
count as 10 feet of d iffic ult t e rra in.
9 You trigger a glyph of warding spell placed on the
roof to discourage burglars. Make a DC 13 Wis-
dom saving throw. On a failed save, you are tar-
geted by a Tasha's hideous laughter spell, the effect
of which lasts 1 minute.
10 Someone o n the gro u nd throws a rock, a s now-
ball, or a similar projectile at y ou. Make a DC 10
Dexterity saving throw. O n a failed save, t he attack
deals no damage but distracts you and co unts a s 5
feet of difficult terrain.
11- 20 No complication.


Encounter 5: Rooftop Chase

This encounter uses the chase rules in chapter 8 of the
Dungeon Master's Guide. It also uses the Rooftop Chase
Complica tions table, which applies o nly to creatures
moving across rooftops on foot. F lying creatures needn't
roll on the table.

The characters a re trying to catch up wit h three spined
devils th a t keep low a bove the rooftops , so as not to be
seen by Waterdeep's Griffon Cavalry. The devils are 100
feet away from the charac ters at t he start of the chase.
If t he devil car rying the S tone of Golorr becomes
incapacitated , a nothe r devil s natches the stone and
flees wit h it.

Whe n the characte rs are close to getting the stone, or
when you want the chase to e nd, all remaining spined
devils duck into an alley. If the cha racters los e their
quarry, they can ques tion city folk on t he gro und who
saw whe re the de vils we nt. Continue with e ncounte r
1, "Alley."

The characte rs are chas ing two drow gunslinge rs (see
a ppe ndix B) across windy rooftops in the Dock Wa rd.
The drow stic k togethe r as they run, but each one ac ts
on his own initiative count.
Fel're kt Lafeen and Krebbyg Mas q'il'yr sta r t out 40
feet a head of t heir purs uers. They do nothing but move
on their turns, trying to put as much distance be tween
themselves a nd the characters as possible. Fel'rekt has
the Ston e of Golorr at the start of the chase, but one
drow guns linge r can pass the stone to the othe r as a
reaction as long as the two drow a re within 10 feet of
each other.

The drow keep running across the rooftops until they
get to the run-down dockside neighborhood known as
Mistshore. Characte rs who re main in purs uit ca n follow
them all the way the re. If all t he cha racters lose their
quarry, t hey can questio n city folk on the ground who
saw the drow heading towa rd Mis ts hore. In eit he r case,
proceed with e ncounter 2, "Mis ts ho re."

A Zhe nt named Yevette Blackwater (CE female
Tethyrian human swashbuckler; see appendix 8 ) has
snatched the S tone of Golorr a nd is fleeing as fast as she
can across icy rooftops during a blizzard. Charac ters
who inte nd to purs ue her a re 60 feet away from their
q uarry at the start of the chase and must a ls o take to the
rooftops or lose s ight of he r.
Yevette was a vicious pirate before she joined the
Zhentarim and rose to become one of Mans hoon's
favored lie ute nants. S he cackles madly in the face of
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