waterdeep dragon heist

(Jeff_L) #1
Three crates are stacked against the south wall. Each
contains a twenty-day supply of edible rations.

  • Set into the north wall is a sturdy oak door with iron
    fittings and a built-in lock.
    Locked Door. The door to area 05 is locked. The lock
    can be picked by a character who uses th ieves' tools
    and makes a successful DC 20 Dexterity check. The
    door can also be forced open with a successful DC 25
    Strength (Athletics) check.

    Arcane runes are inscribed in a circle on the floor of this
    otherwise empty chamber. The circle is a permanent
    teleportation circle (see the teleportation circle spell de-
    scription in the Player's Handbook).

The party's elusive quarry, a kenku, has taken refuge
in an old tower. By the time the characters reach the en-
trance to the tower, the kenku has taken a hostage and
fled to the upper level.

Just prior to the kenku's arrival, three children entered
the derelict tower on a dare. If this encounter occurs
on or around Trolltide, the children are wearing troll
masks. These noncombatants are named Nat.Jenks,
and Squiddly (see "The Three Urchins," page 63).
The kenku has kidnapped Squiddly and taken him
upstairs (area 03). The characters encounter Nat and
Jenks in area 02; they beg the characters to save their
young tiefling friend.

The kenku clutches the Stone ofGolorr in one clawed
hand and Squiddly the tiefiing in the other. When cor-
nered, the creature mimics the sound of a screaming
child- its way of threatening to harm the boy unless the
characters leave at once. The kenku doesn't respond to
verbal threats or attempts at persuasion, but it can be
bribed with coin, gemstones, or shiny baubles. It gives
up both the stone and the boy in return for 100 gp worth
of treasure.
If the characters and the kenku reach an impasse,
Squiddly kicks the kenku in the shin, causing it to re-
lease him, and hides under some old furniture. This act
initiates combat as the kenku draws its sword.
If he has a clear path to the stairs, Squiddly runs
down them and rejoins his friends. The three children
flee the tower together, disappearing into a nearby alley.

When the characters finally obtain t he Stone of Golorr,
three gazers (see appendix B) enter area 03 through the
arrow slits and attack. They try to incapacitate which-
ever character has the stone and use their telekinetic
rays to steal it. If successful, the gazers take the stone to
a nearby alley.


Whether the Stone of Golorr leaves the tower in the
possession of the characters or the gazers, proceed with
encounter 1, "Alley."

The old tower, formerly owned by a wizard, was re-
cently bought by Esvele Rosznar, a young noblewoman
with a fascinating alter ego (see "The Black Viper" in
appendix B).

Esvele has brought four guards with her to the tower.
They wear the livery of House Rosznar and stand guard
in area 01.

Through her network of spies, Esvele learned about
Lord Neverember's friendship with the tower's previous
owner. Not long thereafter, she found the entrance to the
Vault of Dragons beneath the tower. Unfortunately for
her, she doesn't know what keys are needed to enter it or
what lies within. When the characters arrive, Esvele is
in area 02, meeting with the following three guild repre-
sentatives (commoners):

  • Sembra Vashir (LN female Calishite human), of the
    Carpenters', Roofers', and Plaisterers' Guild

  • Pynt Oomtrowl (CG female rock gnome), of the
    Cellarers' and Plumbers' Guild

  • Jarbokken Frostbeard (LG male shield dwarf), of
    the Guild of Stonecutters, Masons, Potters, and
    This meeting is a formality. As the new owner, Esvele
    is required by law to bring the building up to code. S he
    is gathering cost estimates from the guilds involved
    but has no intention of proceeding with repairs. The
    arrival of the characters provides her with a welcome
    Characters will have a tough time convincing Esvele
    that they have come for any reason other than to break
    into the Vault of Dragons. Esvele is wi!Ling to bring them
    on as business partners, allowing them access to the
    vault (preferably when there aren't guild representatives
    around) in exchange for an equal share of whatever
    treasure it might contain. She and the characters have
    each other over a barrel. She can't have them arrested
    for burglary without the authorities discovering the vault
    and seizing the tower. And they can't afford to deny the
    noblewoman what she wants, lest she divulge the vault's
    location to the authorities in exchange for a reward.
    Esvele offers to help the characters obtain the keys
    needed to unlock the Vault of D ragons and insists on ac-
    companying them during their first foray into the vault,
    claiming all the while that she's capable of looking after
    herself. However this business with the party unfolds,
    she tries to conceal her secret identity from the charac-
    ters for as long as possible.
    Esvele doesn't use a key to lock and unlock the door to
    area 05. She uses thieves' tools instead.

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