waterdeep dragon heist

(Jeff_L) #1
The key that the characters found in the mausoleum
leads them to an old windmill in the Southern Ward.
Volkarr Kibbens and Urlaster Ghann (NE male Illuskan
human commoners) are hiding out in a secure apart-
ment on the upper floor (area W7). In combat, they wield
s hovels that deal damage as clubs. Each carries 3d6 gp
in a pouch.
Volkarr and Urlaster were recently hired by Losser
Mirklav. a halfling necromancer, to help him break into
mausoleums in the City of the Dead. They undertook the
job because the pay was good, but they have no loyalty
to the necromancer. If the characters confront them,
Volkarr and Urlaster attack, but they surrender quickly
if overwhelmed and share the following information in
exchange for their lives and freedom:

  • Losser Mirklav and his two human apprentices,
    Retchyn and Kreela, live in a cellar complex under
    the Trades Ward. The way to their lair is through
    Retchyn's powdered wig shop, which is called
    Losser is stealing bones from the City of the Dead to
    create an army of animated skeletons. (Neither Vol-
    karr nor Urlaster knows why.)

  • In the Garloth mausoleum, Losser killed a rat and
    took the small stone it was carrying. The rat vanished
    when it died, and Losser thinks the stone is magical.

Once the characters set out to find the halfling necro-
mancer, proceed with encounter 9, "Cellar Complex."

The characters head to a decrepit building in the South-
ern Ward that used to be a windmill. Therein, they
expect to find the Stone of Golorr in the clutches of two
treacherous cult fanatics named Arn Xalrondar (LE
male Tethyrian human) and Seffia Naelryke (LE female
Tethyrian human).

Arn and Seffia are waiting in area W7, which they use
as an apartment. They keep the door to the apartment
locked at all times. They have cleared area W8 of debris
and painted a pentagram in blood on the floor. At the
points of the pentagram are five black globs of wax- the
remains of burned candles.
Lord Cassalanter sent Arn and Seffia on a mission
to retrieve the Stone ofGolorr from his family's mau-
soleum. He also gave them secret orders to dispose of
three ot her members of the cult whom he couJdn't trust
to keep quiet about the stone. Arn and Seffia would
be horrified to learn that they failed in so simple a
task; they try to correct their mistake by killing Vaelle
Lurval if she's with the party (see "Mausoleum: Sum-
mer," page 70).

As characters try to break into the cult fanatics' apart-
ment, three spined devils arrive. The devils tly to the
tower, knock on the apartment window, and are let


inside by Seffia, whereupon Arn gives one of them the
Stone ofGoforr. When the characters enter, they see the
devils fly off with the stone. The cult fanatics do every-
thing in their power to enable the devils to escape.

If the characters deal with the cult fanatics, they can
chase after the fieeing spined devils by running across
rooftops. Proceed with encounter 5, "Rooftop Chase."

This old stone windmill was converted into a residence
over a century ago and has fallen into disrepair. An
eccentric Waterdavian artist lives here, and she hasn't
been the same since her true love abandoned her. There
are no squatter s in the residence.
The outside doors are always locked. A lock can be
picked with a successful DC 15 Dexterity check by a
character using thieves' tools, or a door can be smashed
open with a successful DC 15 Strength (Athletics)
check. Any attempt to break into the tower is 75 percent
likely to be seen or heard by one of Ka Iain's neighbors.
Eight veterans of the City Watch arrive 10 minutes later
to investigate the Lntrusion.

Kalain, a famous Waterdavian painter, was commis-
sioned to paint a portrait of Lord Dagult Neverember,
then Waterdeep's Open Lord, in 1475 DR. Her meeting
with Neverember marked the beginning of a torrid love
affair that lasted over a year. One of the many gifts he
lavished on her was an estate in the Sea Ward.
Their relationship faltered as Dagult's visits to Never-
winter became more frequent and extended. He made
promises to Kalain that he failed to keep, and when she
raised the subject of faithful commitment, he treated
her poorly, for his true love was Neverwinter. KaJain
became enraged after Dagult's rejection and turned to
painting monsters that, in her mind, represented him.
Her power to harness the Weave clings to the fabric of
her works, giving her the ability to bring these monsters
to life on command.
Ultimately, Neverember used his influence to ruin Ka-
lain and divorce her from Waterdeep's high society. She
was a llowed to keep her home, but her works and her
reputation were destroyed, slowly and methodically. Ka-
Jain's spirit was broken, leading to the onset of madness.
Now she locks herself away, content to let time erode the
last of her conscience. She always saw Dagult and Wa-
terdeep as one and the same, and now they are both her
mortal enemies.

Kalain is unable to behave polHely before strangers, for
she believes they're all assassins sent by Dagult Never-
ember to murder her. The only person with whom she's
civil is Vhaspar Holmdreg (LG male Illuskan human
priest), who rents a room in the west wing of the resi-
dence and works in the North Ward at the Hospice of St.
Laupsenn, a temple of II mater, god of suffering. Vhaspar
is an old man in his seventies, half blind with cataracts,
who brings her food twice a week, firewood three times
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