Commonsense Composition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

1.1. Descriptive Essays

TABLE1.5: Below is a table describing the significance of each essay type.

Essay Type Person/People Place Object Event
Significance of Es-

Your grandparents
are important to you
because they came
to your graduation.

The central park in
your home town is
important to you be-
cause you graduated

Your diploma is im-
portant to you be-
cause it symbolizes
you maturing into
an adult.

Your graduation it-
self is important be-
cause it was

  • the first time
    you saw your
    in ten years

  • at the central
    park in your
    home town

  • when you
    received your

Hence, while in the other descriptive essays you must never let the event overshadow the significance of the person,
place, or object being described, in an event descriptive essay you should focus on how the people, place, and objects
surrounding the event make it important. In this way, an event descriptive essay is a lot like the characteristics person,
place, and object essays. Thus, think of the objects, people, and place of an event as the characteristics that make the
event important to you whenever constructing an event descriptive essay.

Review Questions

  1. Write a descriptive essay about a school event that you attended or that you plan on attending in the future.
    Remember to include the people, location, or objects that made, or will make, the event significant.

  2. Write a descriptive essay about the 2008 Presidential Election, focusing on why this election was significant
    in the United States.

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