Commonsense Composition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1 Chapter 3. Expository Essay

  1. What are three of the main purposes of an introductory paragraph?

  2. What should you never do in an introductory paragraph?

  3. How should you refute counterpoints?

  4. What is the formula for a well-argued body paragraph?

  5. What should you include in a conclusion paragraph? What should never include in a conclusion paragraph?

Points to Consider

a. Write an expository essay about your favorite movie or book, paying special attention to why a certain book
or movie is your favorite. Be sure to adequately summarize the movie or book in order to provide a concise
and comprehensible explanation. Additionally, be sure to use concrete details and examples to explain why
you enjoy the book or movie you are writing about. Simply summarizing the plot will not explain to the reader
why the book or movie is entertaining to you.
b. Write an expository essay about a historical event, indicating at least three factors that contributed to its
development. For instance, you could discuss how factors, such as World War I, led to the Women’s Suffrage
Movement. A factor could be an event, an individual or a movement that is historically significant. In order to
properly show how certain factors caused or contributed to a specific event, you must clarify both the factors
and the event itself.
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