Commonsense Composition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

8.1. Business Documents

TIP: If you say that you will be calling to check on the status of your application, be sure to follow up with a
phone call. Mark your calendar so you don’t forget.

Review Questions

  1. Write a letter applying to be an after school tutor or coach for a local elementary school. When writing your
    letter, be sure to consider what qualities would such a job require? Explain in your letter why you would be a
    good choice for this position.


A résumé is a concise summary of your personal strengths and accomplishments. There are many reasons why you
need to write a résumé. You may be applying for a job, to a college, or for a scholarship or grant to help pay for your
education. Regardless of the organization for which you are writing your résumé, there are rules that you should
follow to create a document which effectively and accurately represents you.

In most cases, a résumé should be one page, and should be clearly formatted so your reader can easily spot your
personal information, your purpose or objective, and your qualifications.

Parts of a resume include:

  • Contact information

  • Objective

  • Education

  • Experience

  • Additional information (if necessary)

Contact Information

The first thing your reader should see on your résumé is your name and contact information. Your name should be
at the top, with nothing else written on the same line. Under your name should be your address, phone number,
and email. Be sure you have an appropriate email address. (e.g.: “2cute4u” or “1337ninja” are amusing to you as a
high school student, however, such a frivolous email address may seem inappropriate to a prospective employer or
college admissions officer. Your first and last name, or first initial and last name, followed with your internet service
provider is a good choice:[email protected] [email protected])


This is a brief statement of the purpose of your résumé. Your objective indicates the type of position you are seeking,
or the school or program you hope to gain admission to. It should be very clear and specific; include the job title or
the name of the school or program in your objective.


List the name and location of the high school you currently attend and your graduation date. If you have good grades
(a 3.0 grade point average [GPA] or above), include your GPA under your education.

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