CK-12-Physics-Concepts - Intermediate

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1 Chapter 12. Waves and Energy Transfer

12.1 Transverse Waves

  • Describe transverse waves.

  • Explain how waves transfer energy without transferring matter.

  • Define wavelength, frequency, and period of a transverse wave.

  • State the relationship between speed, wavelength, and frequency.

  • Solve problems using the relationships between speed, wavelength, frequency, and period.

This surfer rides a giant wave at the legendary big wave surf break known as as "Jaws" in Maui, HI. Massive waves,
such as this one, transfer huge amounts of energy.

Transverse Waves

Types of Waves

Water waves, sound waves, and the waves that travel along a rope aremechanical waves. Mechanical waves require
a material medium such as water, air, or rope. Light waves, however, areelectromagnetic wavesand travel without
a material medium. They are not mechanical waves.

In all types of mechanical waves, energy moves from one place to another while the media carrying the wave only
vibrates back and forth in position. One type of mechanical wave is thetransverse wave. In the case of transverse
waves, the movement of the medium is perpendicular to the direction of the energy movement.

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