CK-12-Physics - Intermediate

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

6.1. Work

Fx=Fcosθ=300 cos 25. 0 ◦= 271. 89 = 272 N

The work she is doing on the block is therefore:

W=Fxx= ( 271. 9 )( 3. 25 ) = 883. 68 = 884 J

Check Your Understanding

  1. InFigure6.9, is the woman who is holding her bag doing more work than the man whose suitcase is on the


Answer:No, she’s not. It doesn’t matter if the woman holding the bag will tire of holding it eventually. As long as
she doesn’t move the bag, she does no work on it no matter how much her arm aches or how much the bag weighs.

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