CK-12-Physics - Intermediate

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

15.1. Static Electricity


Common items that conduct electric cur-
rent: aluminum foil, paper clips, coins,and

Answer: Since like charges repel each other, they distribute themselves in a symmetrical fashion as far from each
other as possible on the surface.


Materials that do not conduct electric current are called non-conductors, orinsulators. Glass, wood, plastic, and
rubber are examples of insulators, as shown inFigure15.3. Insulators are very important in protecting us from the
dangers of electricity, since they do not permit a current to pass through our bodies.


Common insulators; a glass rod, red plas-
tic insulation on a hand tool and a piece of
wood. Why do you think the hand tool has
insulating handles?

Check Your Understanding

If similar charges are placed on a spherical insulator, will they move as far from each other as possible?

Answer: They won’t move at all. They will remain wherever they are since they cannot move freely on an insulator.

Now that we know a bit about the structure of the atom and about conductors and insulators, we can describe

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