CK-12-Chemistry Intermediate

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1 Chapter 7. Chemical Nomenclature

7.1 Ionic Compounds

Lesson Objectives

  • Distinguish between inorganic and organic chemistry.

  • Interpret a molecular formula.

  • Explain why an ionic compound is represented by an empirical formula.

  • Be able to determine the charges of monatomic ions formed by the representative elements from the position
    of each element on the periodic table.

  • Use the Stock system to identify the charge of transition metal ions.

  • Name an ionic compound given its formula.

  • Write the correct formula for an ionic compound given its name.

Lesson Vocabulary

  • binary ionic compound

  • empirical formula

  • inorganic chemistry

  • molecular formula

  • monatomic ion

  • organic chemistry

  • polyatomic ion

  • ternary ionic compound

Check Your Understanding

Recalling Prior Knowledge

  • Which subatomic particles are lost or gained in order to form ions?

  • The elements of which group on the periodic table are particularly stable and unreactive?

  • Which groups contain the representative elements and which groups contain the transition elements?

Chemistry can be broadly divided into two main classes based on the identity of the elements present in the chemical
compounds.Organic chemistryis the branch of chemistry that deals with compounds containing carbon. Because
of the overwhelmingly large number of organic molecules that exist, the rules for naming organic compounds are
complex and will be covered in a later chapter. In this chapter, we will be discussinginorganic chemistry,which is
the branch of chemistry dealing with compounds that do not contain carbon. Note that there are a few exceptions of
small molecules that contain carbon but are not subject to the rules for naming organic compounds. We will begin
our discussion with an examination of two types of chemical formulas, and the remainder of the lesson will focus
on converting back and forth between names and formulas for ionic compounds.

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