CK-12-Chemistry Intermediate

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1 Chapter 1. Introduction to Chemistry

1.2 The Scientific Method

Lesson Objectives

  • Describe how the Renaissance period in history changed the approach to science.

  • Identify the steps of the scientific method.

  • Differentiate between the independent variable and the dependent variable in an experiment.

  • Describe how scientists work in research groups and communicate their results.

Lesson Vocabulary

  • control group

  • dependent variable

  • hypothesis

  • independent variable

  • scientific law

  • scientific method

  • theory

Check Your Understanding

Recalling Prior Knowledge

  • How did the ancient practice of alchemy differ from the modern science of chemistry?

  • What are the properties of a well-designed scientific experiment?

Advancements in science are not always planned. Many groundbreaking discoveries in the history of science were
made almost completely by accident. However, science follows a rigorous, time-tested process called the scientific
method. By applying the scientific method, scientists can be ready for whatever results their research gives them,
and many new and important discoveries can be made.

Experimental Science

It may surprise you to know that science is, relatively speaking, a very young subject. The Renaissance, which
occurred roughly between the 14thand 17thcenturies, was a time of great upheaval in Europe. The Middle Ages
were dominated by a dogmatic approach to knowledge. The Renaissance ushered in new ways of thinking and
great advancements in art, music, and culture. There also came a new emphasis on obtaining knowledge through
the processes of observation and experimentation, as opposed to a reliance on older ideas that were based on a less

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