CK-12 Basic Probability and Statistics - A Short Course

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1 Chapter 4. Standard Distributions - Basic

  1. Is the following graph representing a normal distribution, and exponential distribution, or a binomial distribu-
    tion? How can you tell?

  2. Describe in your own words the difference between the binomial distribution and the normal distribution.

  3. Find two examples of data that can be collected resulting in an exponential distribution.

Review Answers

  1. This is binomial since the data shows discrete frequencies and is not in the shape of a normal curve.

  2. This is exponential since the data shows continuous frequencies is in the shape of an exponential curve. It
    could represent a decay curve.

  3. This curve is clearly a normal distribution because it is a normal curve with an equal spread of the data on
    either side of the center point.

  4. Although this histogram is getting close to the graph of a normal distribution, it is still not equal area on either
    side of the mean (center point).

  5. This is exponential since the data shows continuous frequencies is in the shape of an exponential curve. It
    could represent a growth curve.

  6. Although this histogram is getting closer to the graph of a normal distribution, it is still not equal area on either
    side of the mean (center point). One could probably argue that it is both but would have to wait until a later
    chapter to actually learn to calculate the values of mean and standard deviation in order to prove.

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