CK-12 Basic Probability and Statistics - A Short Course

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

5.1. Estimating the Mean and Standard Deviation of a Normal Distribution

Example 1:

For each of the following graphs, complete the statement “The typical measurement is approximately __ give
or take __.”


“The typical measurement is approximately 400 houses builtgive or take 100.”


“The typical measurement is approximately 8 games wongive or take 3.”

Lesson Summary

In this lesson you learned what was meant by the bell curve and how data is displayed on this shape. You also learned
that when data is plotted on the bell curve, you can estimate the mean of the data with a give or take statement.

Points to Consider

  • Is there a way to determine actual values for the give or take statements?

  • Can the give or take statement go beyond a single give or take?

  • Can all the actual values be represented on a bell curve?

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