CK-12 Basic Probability and Statistics - A Short Course

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1 Chapter 5. The Shape, Center and Spread of a Normal Distribution - Basic


Datax Mean(x ̄) (Data –Mean)(x−x ̄) (Data - Mean)^2 (x−x ̄)^2
9.5 9.5 0 0
9.5 9.5 0 0
9.5 9.5 0 0
9.5 9.5 0 0
9.5 9.5 0 0
9.5 9.5 0 0
9.5 9.5 0 0
9.5 9.5 0 0
10 9.5 0.5 0.25
10 9.5 0.5 0.25
10 9.5 0.5 0.25
11 9.5 1.5 2.25
11 9.5 1.5 2.25
190 10.5

x= 9. 5
σ= 0. 72

  1. (a) 68%

(b) 13.5%

(c) 99.7%

(b) 47.5%

(d) 48.85%


Normal Distribution
A symmetric bell-shaped curve with tails that extend infinitely in both directions from the mean of a data set.

Standard Deviation
A measure of spread of the data equal to the square root of the sum of the squared variances divided by the
number of data.

A measure of spread of the data equal to the mean of the squared variation of each data value from the mean.

68-95-99.7 Rule
The percentages that apply to how the standard deviation of the data spreads out from the mean of a set of
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