CK-12-Basic Probability and Statistics Concepts - A Full Course

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1 Chapter 3. Introduction to Discrete Random Variables

Since we’re doing a spinner problem, choose Spin Spinner.

In Spin Spinner, a wheel with 4 possible outcomes is shown. You can adjust the number of spins, graph the frequency
of each number, and use a table to see the number of spins for each number. We want to set this spinner to spin 20
times. Look at the keystrokes below and see how this is done.

In order to match our color spinner with the one found in the calculator, you will see that we have added numbers to
our spinner. This is not necessary, but it may help in the beginning to remember that 1 = blue (for this example).

Now that the spinner is set up for 20 trials, choose SPIN by pressing



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