CK-12-Basic Probability and Statistics Concepts - A Full Course

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

2.1. Tree Diagrams

  1. If a coin is flipped 4 times, how many branches will the tree diagram have that represents this situation?

  2. If a die is rolled 2 times, how many branches will the tree diagram have that represents this situation?

  3. Suppose a tree diagram has 4 branches, and the probabilities of the outcomes representing 3 of the branches
    are 0.12, 0.53, and 0.28, respectively. What is the probability of the outcome representing the remaining

  4. The following tree diagram represents the responses to 2 yes/no questions:

If the probability of answering yes to both questions is 0.1947, what is the probability of answering yes to the
second question if the answer to the first question was yes?

  1. For question 9, if the probability of answering yes to both questions is 0.1947, what is the probability of
    answering no to the second question if the answer to the first question was yes?

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