CK-12-Basic Probability and Statistics Concepts - A Full Course

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1 Chapter 2. Conditional Probability


26 C 4 =^14 ,^950

, which means that there are 14,950 ways that Jim can use his paid vacation days.

Example C

Kathy has 35 radishes growing in her garden, and she needs to pick 8 to put in the vegetable stew that she’s cooking.
In how many ways can Kathy pick the 8 radishes? Compute the answer using your TI calculator.

To find the answer, enter the following into your TI calculator:

3 5 MATH I I I (PRB) 3 (nCr) 8 ENTER

After pressing


, you should see the following on your calculator’s screen:


35 C 8 =^23 ,^535 ,^820

, which means that there are 23,535,820 ways that Kathy can pick the 8 radishes.

Guided Practice

If there are 20 rock songs and 20 rap songs to choose from, in how many different ways can you select 12 rock songs
and 7 rap songs for a mix CD?


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