Peoples Physics Book Version-3

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

14.1. The Big Idea

  1. East 1. 5 × 104 A

  2. 0.00016 T; if CCW motion, B is pointed into the ground.

    1. 2 ×105 V, counterclockwise

  3. 15 V

  4. Counter-clockwise

  5. 2× 10 −^5 T

  6. Into the page

  7. 2.8 N/m

  8. CW

    1. 42 × 108 m/s

    1. 69 × 10 −^12 N
      3..0055 m

  9. E/B

  10. 8× 10 −^7 T

    1. 3 × 10 −^6 C

  11. 0.8 V

  12. CCW
    3..064 N
    4..16 N/C
    5..13 w

    1. 11 × 108 m/s

    1. 1 × 10 −^30 N<< 6. 4 × 10 −^14 N
      3..00364 T
      4..173 m

    1. 03 ×1016 m/s^2

    1. 27 ◦

  13. 19.2 V

    1. 39 × 107 m/s

    1. 68 × 10 −^13 N,−y

    1. 95 × 101 7 m/s^2
      4..00838 m

    1. 68 × 106 N/C

  14. 16,800 V

    1. 2 × 10 −^6 T,+z

    1. 5 × 10 −^17 N,−y

  15. 96 N/C,−y


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