Peoples Physics Book Version-2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1 Chapter 2. Energy ConservationVersion 2

c. If 0.15 gallons were used up in the process, what is the energy content of the gasoline in Joules per

  1. A pile driver’s motor expends 310,000 Joules of energy to lift a 5400 kg mass. The motor is rated at an
    efficiency of 0.13 (see 11b). How high is the mass lifted?

Answers to Selected Problems

  1. d

  2. (discuss in class)

      1. 0 × 105 J

      1. 7 × 105 J

    1. Chemical bonds in the food.

    2. 99 m/s

      1. 0 × 105 J

    3. 108 m/s

    4. 450,000 J

    5. 22,500 J

    6. 5,625 J

    7. 21.2 m/s

    8. 9.18 m

  3. b.KE= 504 ,600 J;Ug= 1 , 058 ,400 J;Etotal= 1 , 563 ,000 J

    1. 34 m/s at B; 28 m/s at D,40 m/s at E,49 m/s at C and F; 0 m/s at H

    2. 96 m

    3. 1.7 J

    4. 1.3 m/s

    5. 0.4 J, 0 .63 m/s

    6. 1.2 m/s^2

    7. 130 J

    8. 6750 J

      1. 25 × 105 J

      1. 5 × 105 J/gallon of gas

  4. 0.76 m

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